Agenda item

Merseytravel - Question & Answer Session


David Ball introduced the two representatives from Mersey Travel to give a presentation on ‘How Disabled Access Works in Stations’.


David Jones, from Integrated travel has had 20 years experience in policies and creating disabled access in stations.  Network Rail own all the stations, but Mersey Travel and Network Rail are working together to improve the stations.  The main two stations that have an access problem are Green Lane and Rock Ferry.


There has been £3.3 million spent to put in two lifts at Hamilton Square Station.


If passengers have an access problem at a station, then they can contact the station to arrange help at the station and/or the staff will arrange a taxi to an appropriate station.  1 hour notice would be preferable.


In the future it is hoped that there will be more accessible stations.


Q.  Hamilton Square has brilliant staff, but the lifts break down frequently.  It is important that Green Lane and Rock Ferry Stations be sorted out.  Why should disabled people have to phone in advance for help and assistance?


A.  David Jones gave his thanks for the positive comments regarding Hamilton Square Station.  He stated that it was customary to give notice to staff, but said that the stations are all staffed and will offer help and assistance at any time.


Q.  In Liverpool, the rail replacement buses are all wheelchair accessible, why is this not the case in Wirral.


A.  There should be no difference in areas; taxis can be arranged if the bus is not accessible.  Liverpool has planned engineering, so they can arrange vehicles in advance.


Q.  Taxi’s can’t provide the safety requirements for wheelchair users.


A.  The comments are accepted and feedback is welcome.


Q.  Is there a review of Mersey Link service?  It allows a pick up by Mersey Link from a Station to where the passenger wishes to go – e.g.  Train to Southport and then Mersey Link to final destination. 


A.  There is a review of the Mersey Link service.


Q.  Councillor Stapleton asked why there is a huge step and gap between the train and the platform at Hamilton Square Station?


A.  Hamilton Square station was a Victorian built station and has been built on a slight bend.  It is not possible to solve this as the train would hit the platform.


Q.  The signs at the stations for destinations are confusing.


A.  This comment will be taken away and looked into further to try and improve this.


Q.  There was a problem on the Liverpool to Birkenhead line not so long ago.  The train broke down just before Hamilton Square station, another train was sent for assistance and that also broke down.  Staff kept on saying it would be fixed in 10 minutes.  The problem was not fixed in 10 minutes.  Hamilton Square station was in chaos and no manager was available to speak to regarding this problem.


A.  All comments will be taken back to Mersey Travel.  Normally the 2nd train would solve the problem and move the broken down train.  Apologies where given to all passengers on behalf of the staff.  David Jones was disappointed that a Manager could not be found at the station and this will be taken up with Mersey rail.


Q.  Is there an old steam train in the unused tunnels at Lime Street Station?

A.  Unfortunately there is no steam train, just cobweb old tunnels.


Steve Cook and Dave Jones thanked everyone and they apologised for not coming to the Forums more often.