Agenda item

Area Forum Partner Updates


Wirral PCT


There is a new service available for Lifestyle Services.  It is on a Saturday morning at 30 Argyle Street, Birkenhead. For a comprehensive report, see page 28 of the Forum report.


Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service


Ian Maxwell reported that in addition to the update on page 23 of the report the following updates:


The Home Fire Safety strategy is conducting safety checks in local homes.


The fire service is actively collecting materials prior to Bon Fire night.  If anyone is aware of any bon fires being set up, please ring the fire service (Leaflets available).


Q.  In the Manning Street and Lord Street area bon fires are being lit and it smells like burning tyres.

A.  if this happens again, please contact the fire brigade and they will inspect the area. 


Q.  The smoke alarms which have been fitted by the fire service have started to beep as the battery needs replacing.

A.  The fire service realised that the company employed to supply the smoke alarms used old stock.  This company has now been replaced.  Please ring the fire service and a fire officer will go and fix the problem.


Q.  Is it right that motorbikes have been spotted in Liverpool fitted with fire hoses?

A.  This is a new trial for small rubbish fires.  The idea is for the motorbike to get through busy traffic.  We are awaiting the outcome of the trial.  We are the first in the country to trial this.


The Street scene telephone number can be used to inform the fire service of bonfire locations.


Wirral Community Patrol


See pages 14 & 15 for a more comprehensive report.


The Community Patrol Officers have now been trained with the use of defibulators.  They are now working together with the ambulance service.  Community Patrol can receive calls through a Blackberry Phone and they can attend if they are in the vicinity.


The Community Patrol is also working together with the Fire Service.  The vans are to be fitted with 40 litre water containers and pump so they patrol can deal with small fires.


Q.  A girl recently has been fined after she dropped a lolly ice stick.  When the bin men won’t take additional bags from the wheelie bin – who is fined then?  The bin bags are a problem for the residents around this area. 

A.  The crew will report the issue of extra bin bags.  If this continues an officer from street scene will visit the household.  This issue is to be discussed at the end of the meeting.


Q.  There is still a problem of dog fouling, but to catch the culprits the timing of the community patrol officers needs to right. 

A.  There are 6 officers on patrol from 7am – 8pm.  Speak to the Community Patrol at the end of the meeting.


Q.  There have been numerous phone calls regarding the dogs on Mersey Park play area.

A.  Patrols have attended Mersey Park and a man has been fined.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Sandra Shannon explained to the meeting about the Financial Challenges of the Wirral Hospital.  It is positive and in a better position than some trusts.  Arrowe Park Hospital has just opened the new women & children’s department and a new maternity ward with a birthing pool.


Ronald MacDonald house has also opened at Arrowe Park. 


A new Gynaecology and Diagnostic department will be opening this year.


Q.  What is happening to Clatterbridge Hospital?  It seems to be getting quieter.

A.  There have been no changes to the hospital.  There will be a review of all services and will be looking at the best way to deliver services.  There are options to move services around the hospitals.


It was commented that Clatterbridge Hospital seems to be a much quieter and civilised hospital.  It is cleaner and parking is so much easier.  It has the best Oncology and Dermatology departments.


Q.  If you wish to keep informed of the services the hospitals offer, then you could become a member of the Trust.  You will receive regular newsletters and keep up to date with what is going on.  Tranmere has the lowest % of membership

A.  Application Forms are available at the meeting.