Agenda item

Public Question Time & Area Forum partner Updates


4.1) Inspector Kolokotroni: Merseyside Police


The latest edition of the newsletter is available on the signing desk. They are achieving all their targets in the area except for burglary dwelling, which they are addressing.


The date of the next priority setting meeting is 23rd October at St Marys College.


The police’s focus over the next few weeks will be mis-chief night, Halloween and bon fire night and there is already a strategy in place to make sure these nights run safely.


Q. When is mis-chief night?

A. The night before Halloween.


Q. Where is the police representative from New Brighton?

A. Julie Fletcher is no longer the inspector for the area. Inspector Michael Barratt has taken over and informed Andy Brannan that Srg Andy Bragg would be attending on the forum on his behalf. Andy Brannan will contact Insp Barratt to enquire why a representative had not attended.


Q. At the recent Licensing Committee an application was heard for an off license on Rake Lane and Zig Zag Road. Apart from the Police and Cllr Tony Pritchard there were no objections to the application.

A. Cllr Sue Taylor who usually chairs the Licensing Committee raised an objection about the application and therefore could not chair the meeting as she declared an interest. Cllr Pat Glassman also withdrew from the meeting as she passed on the all objections she received from local residents.


Q. Dave Hanlon: Are the police priority meetings now monthly?

A. Yes, the meetings are held in the 3rd or 4th week of every month. The dates and venue can be found on the police website. Cllr Pat Glassman advised that the police newsletter with the dates is also available at the New Brighton Community Centre.


Q.  Cllr Sue Taylor advised that she gave a list of places she wanted the priority meetings to be advertised to Srg Seb Horby, but she is still waiting for confirmation that this has been done?


Q. There has been a number of break ins along Penketh Road recently

A. Insp Kolokotroni will take away the information and make sure that the issue is looked at.


4.2) Tony Mooney: Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service


There is a fire update included in the area forum coordinators report.


4.3) Jim Thompson: Community Safety


There is a written update on page 10 of the report. If anyone sees any bonfires that they believe will cause a danger they can call telephone number 0800 731 5958 and it will be removed.




Q. A number of forums ago it was announced that work would begin on a roundabout on Harrison Drive and Bayswater Road but this seems to have stopped?

A. Cllr Leslie Rennie: When work initially started they found utility pipes under the road they didn’t know was there. Because of this there cost of the roundabout has increased. The council is waiting for confirmation from Neptune that they will pay the additional costs before work will commence again.


Q. Do any of the councillors take a particular interest in issues around access for disabled people?

A. Cllr Leslie Rennie: Not specifically but as the Cabinet member for Streetscene we have are responsible for dropped kerbs


Q. Does anybody inspect a dropped kerb once they have been installed to ensure that they are suitable for disabled use?

A. Cllr Leslie Rennie: I am sure that they are but if there any that need looking at please pass them on and we will inspect them again.


Q. Is there an update on St Peter and St Paul’s Dome?

A. A response will be provided.


Q. The Old Hotel Victoria and Albion Motors are derelict and an eye sore on the community.

A. Cllr Tony Pritchard: Old Hotel Victoria are trying to upgrade the building but of course this depends on being able to raise finance. There have been numerous planning applications for the Albion Motors building. These have been for flats but have failed to proceed. 


Q. Dave Hanlon: A good friend of his, Dave Watson who ran the Rockville Football Club recently passed away. If anyone would like details of the funeral please see Dave.

A. The forum passed on its condolesence.


Q. Is there an update on the Friends of Tower Grounds?

A. The lifeboat station is the biggest issue at the moment and they are looking for a new site. There are a number of possibilities that are being explored.  A piece of equipment has been taken away from the play area due to a design fault. They are also speaking to the Parks Service to see if its possible to put some of the cast iron litter bins into the area as the plastic ones are being vandalised.


 Q. Are there any dates for the next meeting?

 A. The next date will be in around 4-5 weeks


Q. There used to be an observation ramp that allowed people to look out over the Mersey. Is this being replaced as it no longer seems to accessible now?

A. Mark Camborne will look into this


Q.  Cllr Pat Glassman: There are steps around the new promenade and marine lake which doesn’t allow access for wheelchair users?

A. Mark Camborne will look into the issue