Agenda item

What's been happening in your local area:


Q: With regards to the motorbikes along the promenade at weekends, ones with 3 wheels use the beach and I reported them a child had no helmet on.  What is happening?

A: Andy Bragg it is public land so they need insurance and they certainly should not be on the beach, we are aware of them.  We do stop them and they do generally have insurance and once they have been stopped they rarely come back. If they haven’t got a helmet on then we would be reluctant to chase them as if they get injured we are responsible. 

A: Jim Thompson we are doing other things as well.  There are a lot of cameras around Wirral which will produce a photo of evidential value and Community Patrol are also on the beach on a regular basis. 


Q: I have seen quads with no helmets!

A: They don’t need a helmet as it is 3/4 wheels it is the drivers’ choice.


Q: Stan Thompson the camera at Magazine Lane, is it working?

A: Steve Preston, yes.


Q: There is a spate of burglaries at the moment, travelling type have took residence!

A: Andy Bragg we are suffering at the moment.  As we speak staff are out issuing 2 warrants.  There have been a number of arrests.  Leaflets highlight to close doors properly and phone numbers are on the news letter.  Please be careful, lately people have been kicking footballs over the back walls and when the residents go and get it they get money robbed.


Comment: Father Leon Ostaszewski Wirral Partnership Homes hosted a meeting and I would like to thank the Community Safety Team and Police for their input, nice lunch as well.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue:

Tony Mooney explained that there was a full report in the papers. (pages 9 – 10)


Q: Stan Thompson how is the youth project going?

A: Tony Mooney going very well.  Duke of Edinburgh and Fire Cadets soon which offers youth club, qualifications and a youth hub.  We will also be running obesity and lifestyle classes.  Schools will be actively involved abd are on board and want us. The Police will be our joint agency so this will give us a good chance of catching them before the anti social behaviour begins.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust:

Jo Goodfellow Ice and snow in December had our staff walking into work then we had to deal with swine flu and now nurovirus which is very difficult to contain.  The public have been very good and I would just like to thank the public for bearing with us and staff for their hard work.  Announced that the Duchess of Wessex is coming on 2nd March to open the new Women and Children’s hospital.  There is an extensive report contained in the papers. (Pages 19 – 21)


Older Peoples Parliament:

Full report in papers (pages 11 – 15)


Q: Stan Thompson – Would like to thank Councillors for the Island at Mariners Park between Lonsdale Centre and Manor Road, there is a dreadful bend there.  Most hideous blind bend there but can’t seem to get someone to look at it, needs yellow lines.

A: Cllr Adrian Jones – Mark will take it back with him


Q: Cllr J Keeley – Could the speed activated sign be moved to before the bend?

A: Mark Smith – I am quite confident we can move it; I will take it back with me.