Agenda item

General Public Question Time:

Ø  Public Open Forum:


  Opportunity for resident to raise issues and speak to forum members & partners from other organisations (Police, Health, Fire etc)

  Arriva will be at the meeting to address transport issues

  Anti-Social Behaviour Team will be at the meeting to address residents issues


Ø  Information on:


Ø  Census 2011This is your chance to make a difference.  We want everyone to take part in helping tomorrow take shape.  Government and local authorities depend on our information to help make sure you get the services you need in your community. And that means asking questions of a lot of people.


Ø  Date of next area forum and venue still to be agreed


Q: What are you doing about dog muck?  I believe wardens have been laid off.

A: Cllr Adrian Jones there are people who would not qualify for a shot-gun certificate, far less a firearms certificate, but can easily acquire “killer” dogs.  Responsible dog owners deserve respect. In my view a new licensing system should be introduced for ownership of large dogs.

A: Mark Smith Page 19 of the report details the steps we are taking in tackling dog fouling.  Let us know as we do have Enforcement Officers.

A: Steve Preston we have funding and we are taking on another 6 and they are going out on their quads tomorrow.



  • Cllr Adrian Jones Streetscene for dog foul number is 666 5256 
  • Jim Thompson we have given out 1000s of bags to people in parks.
  • Pavements in Wallasey Road, Liscard are a disgrace.
  • Cllr James Keeney – camera in that road has collapsed in front of Barclays.  
  • Carole Thomas – by St Peter and Paul’s Church grit bins on Atherton Road, that was gritted but the other side was not gritted at all.  Gorse hill was not gritted either.  People who live there were cut off and it is a main access to schools. 


Q: Father Leon Ostaszewski – Belvedere Road condition is worse and it is not due to the bad weather. 

A: Mark Smith – surfacing on the Belvedere Road will commence in next years programme, I have an e-mail here off Chris Jones.


Q: Cllr Karen Hayes – behind Iceland in Licscard, the grid is lose and banging all day can you take that back please Mark?



  • Carole Thomas – bus stop behind McDonalds, I have seen cars parked and then they drive away on their phones.
  • Cllr James Keeley – I have witnessed Police issue fixed penalties on a number of occasions.
  • Andy Bragg – This area is policed.


History Day:

Father Leon Ostaszewski – announced that on Saturday 5th March at Birkenhead Town Hall, 10am – 4pm is a History Day, there will be 40 stands and it is free.


The Chair Cllr Adrian Jones thanked all who attended and closed the meeting and announced the next area forum would take place on Tuesday 21st June 2011 venue to be confirmed.



  • Information was available at the forum meeting on the following topics:


United Utilities: Information cards were available detailing the programme of works for the area.  Website also gives up to date information, as is updated daily.  Peter said there will be full consultation with residents, including letters, leaflets drops, adverts in paper etc.


Census 2011

The census is a snapshot of the whole population and gathers data on how many people liver here, how we live our lives, how many children we have, if we have a car etc, it also collects data about what services we need in our area, like schools, hospitals, houses, roads & transport to name just a few.  Census Day is scheduled for 27th March 2011.  Wirral’s Census 10 years ago, had a really good return however it was recorded that about 6% did not return forms and this cost around £13 million in funding for Wirral.


Key Points:

  • Personal information will not be shared with any other government department, third party or anyone.
  • Protected by law for 100 years
  • Compulsory – if you don’t take part, you could be fined up to £1,000
  • Posted out in early March to each household
  • Return via royal mail using pre-paid envelope or
  • Complete on-line


  • Helpline 0300 0201 101/Text Relay 18001 0300 0201 160
  • Individual Appointment – contact Helpline
  • Local Charities, Support and Information Services
  • Local Drop-in sessions
  • Translation services available



  • David Hanlan handed Michelle Gray a Merseytravel Passenger Reporting Form this will be available at all future meetings for residents to raise transport issues