Agenda item

Public Question Time


The following questions/issues were raised:


Member of the public: Are the flats in Sandbrook which house around 150 residents being knocked down.


Chair: Wirral Partnership Homes have done a review of the flats and the results show that they are no longer providing value for money. They are in a huge state of dis-repair which would cost around £74 million to make them meet the decent homes standard; this is not feasible as people do not want to live in them so there is no demand for them to be refurbished. The blocks of flats will be demolished over a 3 year period and any people who will be affected will receive help with relocation to another home.


Member of the public: What were the results of the questionnaire that Streetscene designed as part of the Integrated Transport Model?


Carolyn Curr: The following things were chosen by the forum out of the Integrated Transport Block funding:


Vehicle Activated signs

Cycle stands

Cross-over points

Grit Bins


It is still to be confirmed where these road safety measures will be located but this will be agreed after a survey has been conducted by Streetscene and results will be shared with the forum.


Also, please if anyone has any suggestions for where the grit bins should be placed within the area forum areas please send them through to us.


Member of the public: The new Tesco’s in Moreton cross didn’t get refused on safety grounds as I was advised it would if people objected on these grounds. This area is too busy already without adding to the problem and putting the car parks right next to a zebra crossing, it will become dangerous for both drivers and pedestrians.


Chair: Streetscene had to conduct a traffic survey as part of the planning application, and were the plans were approved as they were satisfied it met the criteria in the traffic survey.


Cllr Blakeley stated that members of the panel were invited to visit the site as part of this process.


Cllr Mountney stated that it was never the case that the planning application would be approved due to the financial gains of the site and he was at the meeting in which the application was approved as it met the survey criteria.


Cllr Blakeley stated that he advised anyone who had objections to the site to object on the grounds of road safety as the previous objection on the grounds of adverse effects to local businesses would not be accepted by the planning committee.


Chair: The planning committee have acted upon the law within they have to make decisions and they were satisfied that it met all the criteria and was approved by 8 votes to 4.


Member of public: Will the road at the side of Poundland be used for parking and will this shop go to make room for parking?


Chair: This will become clearer as plans progress at this point it is not known but at the moment plans are based on existing parking at the site.