Agenda item

Woodchurch Road Update:

  • Mark Smith, Head of Service, Streetscene and Waste




The Chair welcomed Mark Smith, Head of Streetscene to the meeting.

Mark explained that he was attending due to some outstanding issues which had been raised by this forum which he would provide an explanation of.


1. Calls to the call centre – Reference numbers

Mark explained that the issues regarding Mr Lennon ringing the call centre and not being given reference numbers had now been rectified. This issue had been followed up with Andrea Bruffell who is the call centre manager. Mark read the response from Andrea at the meeting “The process for handling CRM hasn’t changed and calls should always be logged and reference numbers given, I have listened to Mr Lennon’s calls he is completely correct he was not given a reference number and this should not have happened”. Mark advised that to ensure this does not continue to happen the call centre will be monitoring random calls and also conducting an evaluation of all call centre staff.


2. Woodchurch Road


Mark explained that Woodchurch Road is the main connecting road to the A552 which is the main distributor road on the Wirral. Wirral has recently agreed with the Department of Transport to conduct some congestion monitoring work and have secured a grant of £190,000 to do this work between now and March 2011. This will help to measure, monitor and reduce hot spots and to make other necessary improvements to the area. Some of the funding will also cover the review of parking restrictions on this road.


There will be a report on this congestion monitoring work in June 2011, a copy of this will be shared with the forum.


3. 20pmh zones

Mark explained as part of the Accident to Zero initiative there has been some budget set aside to create some 20pmh zones in a 4 year programme. The department will also be looking at zones around schools and Technical Services is awaiting some final guidance from the Department for Transport on the new Road Safety Strategy which will be released in the new year.


4. Parking on pavements


Mark explained that parking wardens can fine people who park on the pavement where they are obstructing footways or yellow lines.


Alan Dollery: Parking on pavements around Prenton has been a nuisance for years. Councillors should visit the area and go to the shops talking to businesses and see what the problems are and how they can be resolved.


Cllr Holbrook: Does the review of Woodchurch Road include the bus lanes by Sainsburys? People park in this area, and also the lanes go from 2 to 1 then back to 2 in a very short distance.


Mark Smith – Yes it will be included


Member of the Public: Can you explain about the new road works that have been done on the motorway off Durley Drive?


Mark Smith: This has been a major scheme as there have been serious accidents here in the past. The new traffic lights will improve safety for people exiting via Durley Drive and enable the traffic to be controlled and a steady flow to be created. The new cycle lane will be finished next week and the new scheme will be much safer for cyclists and motorists.


Member of the public: I am happy there will be a review of the Sainsbury’s area on Woodchurch Rd, however will people go and speak to the shop owners and residents as the signage in the area is confusing, as is the parking on pavements.


Mark Smith: There are two options, either an experiment with short term changes or there could be a permanent change. The existing traffic policy on this road is from 1968 so this will be reviewed; all of these comments and suggestions will also be taken on board and fed into the process.


Member of the public: I agree that the main road through to Birkenhead needs a bus/ cycle lane but this must be extended the full way along not just part way along the road.


Mark Smith: A key part of the Merseyside Local Transport Plan is to promote the use of buses, and these comments will also be taken away and fed into the review process.