Agenda item

Objections to Traffic Signal Junction Improvement - Upton Road/Noctorum Avenue, Upton


The Director of Technical services reported concerning objections received to the introduction of a new traffic signal control junction improvement and associated ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ - Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) at the junction of Upton Road / Noctorum Road, Upton. 


He reported that the provision of a new traffic signal installation at the junction of Upton Road / Noctorum Avenue, Upton, was identified as a priority scheme within the Integrated Transport Block programme of works which was approved by cabinet on 14 January, 2010.  The proposed traffic signal junction improvements were designed to address a long-standing history of traffic capacity issues resulting in congestion and delay, together with a ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ – traffic regulation order to ensure effective operation aspects of the traffic signal control. It was also provide improved facilities for public transport users, pedestrians and cyclists (linkage to National Cycle Network Route 56).


  Following a public consultation exercise, a petition and four individual letters of objection were received. The over-riding concern of the unresolved objections was that the proposed scheme would encourage the use of Coniston Avenue and Windermere Road - Wirral Way as a short-cut / rat-run to avoid queuing at the new traffic signal junction, resulting in increased traffic volume, speeding vehicles, disruption for residents and congestion.


  A further email representation which was received between the time of writing the report conclusion of the Public Consultation gave support to the scheme in principle but raised a number of technical issues relating to the extension of the cycle route and provision of more bus stops in this area, which would be given further consideration.


 The Director reported that the aim of the scheme was to reduce congestion and delay and improve facilities for public transport users, pedestrians and cyclists. It was therefore recommended that provision of traffic signal control at the junction of Upton Road / Noctorum Avenue, Upton and associated TRO, as shown on plan no. BENG/54/10, be implemented as advertised. Further traffic surveys would be undertaken following completion to identify the extent of any resultant ‘rat-running’ and, if proven, future consideration would be given to the introduction of appropriate remedial measures.


Councillor Harry Smith addressed the meeting, in his capacity as a ward councillor, and indicated his support for the scheme which would be a major benefit to this junction. He thanked the officers for their response to the objectors and commented that the scheme would reduce congestion and current problems relating to the use of adjoining roads by through traffic. He also highlighted some practical issues relating to the proposed relocation of the bus stop to prevent loitering and anti-social behaviour which the Director agreed to raise with Merseytravel.


Councillor George Davies, ward councillor, addressed the meeting. He thanked the officers for their efforts in response to the objections received indicating that appropriate measures would be taken to discourage any excessive through traffic in the adjoining roads following the introduction and monitoring of the scheme.


Resolved – That the Committee note the objections received and recommend to the Cabinet Member that the scheme and traffic regulation order, as shown on plan no. BENG/54/10, be implemented as advertised.











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