Agenda item

APP/10/01193 - Birkenhead High School, 86 DEVONSHIRE PLACE, OXTON, CH43 -1TY - The erection of a new hall and dining and associated teaching areas for the secondary school and the erection of a new hall and class spaces for the infants/junior school. The construction and laying out of associated landscape, parking, sports areas and community areas. The erection of a new entrance to the sixth form building, and the creation of an accessible access to the sixth form science areas. The proposal in


The Director of Technical Services submitted the above application for consideration.


Ward councillors addressed the meeting.


On a motion by Councillor Dave Mitchell and seconded by Councillor David Elderton it was;


Resolved (12:00) That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


2. Before any construction commences, samples of the facing/roofing/window materials to be used in the external construction of this development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved materials shall then be used in the construction of the development.


3. The development authorised by this permission shall not begin until the local planning authority has approved in writing a full scheme of works for the provision of:


1) a speed reduction measures in Devonshire Place and Manor Hill, between Egerton Road and Palm Grove.


2) advisory signing indicating ‘right turn only’ at the exit to the drop-off area to the south of the development site.


3) ‘School Keep Clear’ markings at the appropriate school accesses on Devonshire Place including associated signing and  traffic regulation orders.


The occupation of the development shall not begin until those works have been completed in accordance with the local planning authority’s approval and have been certified as complete by or on behalf of the local planning authority unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


4. No part of the development shall be brought into use until space and facilities for cycle parking of a type and in a location previously submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority have been provided and these facilities shall be permanently retained thereafter.


5. Prior to the first occupation of the development a School Travel Plan shall be submitted to and approved in by the local planning authority. The provisions of the School Travel Plan shall be implemented in accordance with the programme contained therein and shall not be varied other than through agreement with the local planning authority. A review of the Travel Plan should be submitted to the local planning authority on an annual basis which, for the avoidance of doubt, should include:


  An updated action plan;

  A progress report; and

  Monitoring report including data from the latest travel surveys.


6. Prior to first commencement of the development details of all vehicle crossings and tactile paving shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved plans and retained as such thereafter unless agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. For information tactile paving to be provided at crossing positions and at radii at junctions of Devonshire Place and Sandyway and Grosvenor Place.


7. No works or development shall take place until a scheme for the protection of the retained trees (section 7, BS59837, the Tree Protection Plan) has been agreed in writing with the LPA.  This scheme shall include:

A; the details of each retained tree as required at para. 4.2.6 of BS5837 in a separate schedule.

B; a schedule of tree works for all the retained trees in paragraphs (a) and (b) above, specifying pruning and other remedial or preventative work, whether for physiological, hazard abatement, aesthetic or operational reasons.  All tree works shall be carried out in accordance with BS3998, 1989, Recommendations for tree work. 

C; the details and positions (shown on the plan at paragraph (a) above) of the Ground Protection Zones (section 9.3 of BS5837).

D; the details and positions (shown on the plan at paragraph (a) above) of the Tree Protection Barriers (section 9.2 of BS5837), identified separately where required for different phases of construction work (e.g. demolition, construction, hard landscaping). The Tree Protection Barriers must be erected prior to each construction phase commencing and remain in place, and undamaged for the duration of that phase.  No works shall take place on the next phase until the Tree Protection Barriers are repositioned for that phase.

E; the details and positions (shown on the plan at paragraph (a) above) of the Construction Exclusion Zones (section 9 of BS5837).

F; the details of any special engineering required to accommodate the protection of retained trees (section10 of BS5837), (e.g. in connection with foundations, bridging, water features, surfacing)

G; the details of the working methods to be employed with the demolition of buildings, structures and surfacing within or adjacent to the RPAs of retained trees.

H; the details of the working methods to be employed for the installation of drives and paths within the RPAs of retained trees in accordance with the principles of “No-Dig” construction.

I; the details of the working methods to be employed with regard to the access for and use of heavy, large, difficult to manoeuvre plant (including cranes and their loads, dredging machinery, concrete pumps, piling rigs, etc) on site.

J; the details of the working methods to be employed with regard to site logistics and storage, including an allowance for slopes, water courses and enclosures, with particular regard to ground compaction and phytotoxicity.

K; the details of the method to be employed for the stationing, use and removal of site cabins within any RPA (para. 9.2.3 of BS5837).

L; the details of tree protection measures for the hard landscaping phase (sections 13 and 14 of BS5837).

M; the timing of the various phases of the works or development in the context of the tree protection measures.


8. All excavations within the crown spreads of existing trees, situated on or off site, shall be undertaken manually by hand with the use of hand tools and only upon the prior written approval of the local authority shall the use of a mechanical digger be permitted within the crown spreads of trees. Severance of tree roots is to be avoided and under no circumstances shall roots of a diameter 25mm or greater be removed, severed or damaged.


9. The following activities must not be carried out under any circumstances:

a,  No fires shall be lit within 10 metres of the nearest point of the canopy of any retained tree.

b,  No works shall proceed until the appropriate Tree Protection Barriers are in place, with the exception of initial tree works.

c,  No equipment, signage, fencing, tree protection barriers, materials, components, vehicles or structures  shall be attached to or supported by a retained tree.

d,  No mixing of cement or use of other materials or substances shall take place within a RPA, or close enough to a RPA that seepage or displacement of those materials or substances could cause then to enter a RPA

e,  No alterations or variations to the approved works or tree protection schemes shall be carried out without the prior written approval of the LPA.

f,  No  mechanical digging or scraping shall be carried out within a root protection area or within areas cordoned off by protective barrier fencing.


10. Prior to the first occupation of the new Academy a Community use scheme for all indoor and outdoor sports facilities shall be submitted to and approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include details of pricing policy, hours of use, access by non-school users, management responsibilities and include a mechanism for review. The approved scheme shall be implemented in full upon commencement of use and retained as such thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


11. A landscape management plan, including long term design objectives, management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for all landscape areas shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of the development or any phase of the development, whichever is sooner, for its permitted use.  The approved landscape management plan shall be carried out as approved.


12. Prior to the commencement of development details, including the number and the location of bird nesting boxes and bat boxes shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The boxes shall be erected in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


13. No tree, shrub or hedgerow felling, or any vegetation management and/or cutting operations should take place during the period 1st March to 31st August inclusive.


14. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until such time as a scheme to limit the surface water run-off generated by the proposed development, has 

been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


Note - The discharge of surface water from the proposed development is to mimic that which discharges from the existing site.  If surface water is to discharge to mains sewer, United Utilities Plc should be contacted for confirmation of the acceptable discharge rate. For discharges above the allowable rate, attenuation will be required for up to the 1% annual probability event, including allowances for climate change.


The discharge of surface water should, wherever practicable, be by Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). SuDS, in the form of grassy swales, detention ponds, soakaways, permeable paving etc., can help to remove the harmful contaminants found in surface water and can help to reduce the discharge rate.


15. If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site then no further development (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the local planning authority) shall be carried out until the developer has submitted, and obtained written approval from the local planning authority for, an amendment to the remediation strategy detailing how this unsuspected contamination shall be dealt with.


16. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown the plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 02/11/2010


17. The proposed multi use games area as indicated on plan reference: 09-396-RL 008 shall be for school use only between the hours of 8am and 8pm Monday to Saturday and at no time on Sundays or Bank Holidays.




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