Agenda item

09:40 The Health White Paper


F Johnstone introduced ‘Healthy Lives, Healthy People White Paper: Our strategy for public health in England’ released in November 2010.  The consultation closes on the 31 March 2011. 


The national health picture was introduced. The life expectancy gap between poorer and richer areas is 11 years on Wirral compared to 7 years nationally.


The new approach outlined in the paper is for health to be owned by communities and shaped by their needs.  The approach was described as rigorous evidence based, efficient and effective and will focus on improving the health of the poorest fastest.


The paper has seven key strands, six of which reflect the Marmot recommendations.

·  Empowering local government and communities

·  Tackling health inequalities

·  Coherent approach to different stages of life

·  Giving every child the best start in life

·  Making it pay to work

·  Designing communities for active aging and sustainability

·  Working collaboratively with business and voluntary sector – the Public Health Responsibility Deal


Public Health England will be the new national public health service which will be returned to Local Government.  There will be dedicated leadership and dedicated resources nationally and locally. The Director of Public Health will be jointly appointed by the Local Authority and Public Health England.


The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy will be the responsibility of the Local Authority. Wirral Children’s Trust Board would want to consider the new arrangements for the Health and Well Being Board and strategy.


It is proposed that Local Authorities will be responsible for commissioning a range of services.  The NHS commissioning board would be responsible for children’s public health for the under 5’s, over time this may be delegated to local areas, the proposed route is currently unclear.


The Local area will determine actions and a framework by which to deliver them.

  Domain 1 - Health Protection and Resilience: Protecting the population’s health from major emergencies and remain resilient to harm

  Domain 2 - Tackling the wider determinants of health: Tackling factors which affect health and wellbeing and health inequalities

  Domain 3 - Health Improvement: Helping people to live healthy lifestyles, make healthy choices and reduce health inequalities

  Domain 4 - Prevention of ill health: Reducing the number of people living with preventable ill health and reduce health inequalities

  Domain 5 - Healthy life expectancy and preventable mortality: Preventing people from dying prematurely and reduce health inequalities


The timetable for the proposed changes was outlined.


Summary timetable

 (subject to Parliamentary approval of legislation)


Consultation on:

  specific questions set out in the White Paper;

  the public health outcomes framework; and

  the funding and commissioning of public health.

Dec 2010–March 2011

Set up a shadow-form Public Health England within the Department of Health Start to set up working arrangements with local authorities, including the matching of PCT Directors of Public Health to local authority areas

During 2011

Develop the public health professional workforce strategy

Autumn 2011

Public Health England will take on full responsibilities, including the functions of the HPA and the NTA. Publish shadow public health ring-fenced allocations to local authorities

April 2012

Grant ring-fenced allocations to local authorities

April 2013



Councillor T Harney noted that the criteria to access housing in certain areas is poor health which would impact on the Wirral life expectancy statistics.


Councillor Harney asked where controls over the manufacture and sale of high sugar foods would reside.


F Johnstone noted that Task Forces had been set up nationally to look at food and drink, these involved manufacturers who are being asked to assess their products.


S Brown requested that when the Health and Well Being Board was set up youth justice organisations would be involved.  Studies indicate people in custody have lower health and there are implications for their families.  Offender health should be included in the JSNA.


P Higgins noted that as provider the transition over the next 2 years was important to ensure excellent provision is maintained.  F Johnstone fully agreed and that services must be maintained whilst restructuring is carried out.  P Higgins noted the importance of good service specifications.


D Armstrong noted the importance of continuity of service. He noted that as funding may tighten the importance of the Children’s Trust Board and working together would increase. 


J Billinge noted that schools have realised more success is gained through dealing with families often who have children at different age groups.


The board discussed producing a response to the consultation which F Johnstone agreed to lead on. Responses from Board members can be sent to N Clarkson to co-ordinate.


  Resolved: Wirral Children’s Trust Board agreed to produce a response to the consultation.