Agenda item

Partner Updates:

  • NHS Wirral
  • Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Merseyside police/Community Safety
  • Fire Service
  • Older Peoples Parliament



NHS Wirral

Martin McEwan NHS Wirral explained that currently there are significant changes to the NHS going through Parliament and a general consultation on Public Health Services moving over to Local Authority responsibility from 2013. This consultation will help to see how Local Authorities can fulfill the duties placed on public health as they are currently quite complex. There is more information on the Department for Health Website if anyone wishes to express their views or concerns on this matter.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Pat Higgins from the Hospital Trust explained that there are more details in Area coordinators report but the main headlines this time is that there was no MRSA found at all within Quarter 3 of this year. This is due to the significant reduction in bacteria in the hospital thanks to the promotion of hand washing and actively challenging people who do not do so.


There is to be a new opening of the Maternity Unit by the Countess of Wessex on the 2nd March, this unit has been refurbished and has a new scanner to reduce waiting times.


Unfortunately, car parking charges have gone up to £2.50 however there are more free spaces for the 20 minutes free parking. This charge is one of the lowest in the country and is unfortunate but the costs of maintaining the car park have increased.


Member of the public: Glad to see visiting time was stopped to allow for the outbreak of swine-flu over the festive period, but do they have more disabled car parking spaces or better patrols of these areas as people are parking there without a blue badge and nothing is done?


Pat Higgins: Yes, the caretakers have been asked to be vigilant over this issue however sometimes they do not spot it as it is only a small part of their job but it has been raised.


Merseyside Police

Inspector Peter Kolokotroni showed this quarter’s newsletter to the forum showing all the year to date figures of crime for this area. All crimes are down this quarter with a particular reduction in vehicle crime by 35. However, burglary has gone from 69 to 78 which is due to two spikes over the summer one in the Sandbourne area, and one in Wallasey Village where 5 arrests were made with 2 charges.


The police are continuing to work with partners over many initiatives such as, Environmental Walks, knocking on doors to gather information about crime in the area and also Youth Working through the school holidays. There are two chances to come and Have Your Say over the next few weeks the meetings are: 17th February at Yew Tree for the Leasowe wards and the 24th February at Maryland Community Centre for the Saughall Massie wards.


If you have any information to pass on please call the local number of 709 6010 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Ian Maxwell explained that pages 13-14 in the area coordinators report have a full report from MFRS. As part of the Bonfire Strategy MFRS removed over 250 tonnes of rubbish which could have been used for illegal bonfires; this is extremely good and thank you to everyone who provided information in this search.


Ian also explained that some of the diversionary activities done by MFRS include a cadet scheme which helps young people aged 17-18 who have maybe had some problems with crime or in the past. This is based at Wallasey Fire Station.


Anne Gibbons: How do you select these youth cadets as people in the Moreton area may not be able to access it if it is based in Wallasey?


Ian Maxwell: They are a mixture of youths involved in the scheme, this round is just a pilot and is being led by Mike Ratty however it is being developed and we are looking to expand the scheme through different areas and involve more people.


MFRS are still doing the Home Fire Safety checks and if anyone would like one please call 08007315958 for free.


Older Peoples Parliament

Terry Sulivan from the Older People’s Parliament advised the forum to read pages 15-19 of the area forum pack for full details of the report.


Currently the OPP is seeking funding to set up a project working with all the GP practices in Wirral to identify people who are looking after people (usually family members) with a progressive condition to enable them to access help and support.


Cllr McArdle: I support this project and would like to get involved as we need to take the pressure of older people looking after their friends and family. I think a first point of call to help with this project is NHS Wirral as they have a Carer’s Strategy.


Terry Sullivan: Thank you. This is a great suggestion and contact details with Martin McEwan of NHS Wirral have been exchanged.


Also Terry explained that’s some complaints had come through about the wind at the bus shelter in Arrowe Park as it is too open and some older people find it difficult to shelter there.


Chair: please speak to me about this and I will contact Neil Scales from Merseytravel about this issue.