Agenda item

Public question time


[Richard Neale]:  There is a suggestion that there is a planning application in the Townfield shopping area that might result in a Tesco store, and there are concerns about the validity of the application.

A  [Bob Beresford]  I am aware of an application made by a land owner in Townfield Close to vary an existing planning permission.  I understand planning permission was given for four small units and the application is to vary that for one larger unit.  The application will be going to the Planning Committee at the end of March.  People are being consulted on the application and that will be open until the March meeting.

  If you have any views you can make representations.  Details of the application are on Wirral’s website.

A  [Cllr Kelly].  I spoke to the Planning Officer this week and she told me she has informed the agent that the Council would expect an application of this sort to be a full application, and not an exchange of conditions.

  The name Tesco was in the frame because the agent also deals with Tesco’s planning applications.

I have spoken to Claughton councillors so that ward members have a joint approach in reviewing the impact of the proposal on the existing parade.  I understand that the Planning Committee is at the end of March but the consultation process is now over.

Q  [Paul Haywood]:  Are people in the area aware of this application?  People often don’t find out what is going on until the construction starts.  The Oxton councillors should be putting a flyer out in the Townfield area to highlight the things going on.  I was the instigator of a playing field for children in that area.  I think it is a shame that you three people who represent this area are not going out and notifying local residents of Townfield, or the school, until after it is approved that there will be a supermarket that will overburden that road, and the school at the corner.

A  [Chair/Cllr Kelly]:  It is being done.  We are in the process of delivering information in the area of Hargrave/Townfield estates and currently people are being informed.  We have not yet been in contact with the school, but yes, we are informing the residents.  I have spoken to Councillor George Davies and I am sure he will be informing residents in the Claughton area.

  The owner of the post office is organising a petition, so it is unlikely that people who use the post office will be ignorant of the application.

Q  [Mr Dollery]  A new sandwich bar/cafe  has opened in Prenton Hall Road, and information has been given out about opening hours etc. but I can’t get much information other than it was taken over by the owners of the Premier shop.

A  [Cllr Bridson]  The premises are owned by Wirral Partnership Homes.  We have to find out whether they are setting the conditions or the Council’s Planning Department or Licensing Department.  The application for the sandwich bar went in several years ago and was not taken up.  It is likely that the permission is about to run out and will have to be taken up.  We will look into that and let you know.  

Minute decision:

  Area co-ordinator to liaise with Cllr Bridson to provide an update regarding sandwich bar/café in Prenton Hall Road