Agenda item

Partner updates


The Chair drew attention to the information on Partner Updates and invited questions.

The Area Forum responded to a number of questions and comments on Grit Bins.

  Requests for grit bins to be re-located, removed or replaced will be actioned when bins are being installed in new locations. [When making requests for bins, it is important to specify the exact location where bins are required].

A definitive list will be drawn up at the end of the current programme. Ways are being considered of securing the bins and improving their appearance.  

Q  [Cllr Kelly].  Referring to the list of carriageway resurfacing, whilst Gerald Road was resurfaced to a high standard, the surface of Shrewsbury Road is very disappointing.  The process involved a substance being sprayed onto the carriageway and covered by grit which has since worn away.  The dust and chippings spread onto the pavements and are carried into people’s homes on their shoes.

Using a cheaper method is a false economy because it is likely to involve remedial work and more expenditure later on.

A  [Gary Cummings].  The process used is a cheaper option, but a more expensive option would probably mean that work would not be done.

The process involves sand and stone being driven down into the sprayed service, but loose chippings does not mean that the process has failed.  The contractor will be asked to look at Shrewsbury Road and if it has failed to decide what needs to be done to rectify it.

Q  A request was made some time ago for work on the pavements in Cambridge Road.  Why have all the paving stones been taken up in Woodchurch Road and replaced with tarmac?

A  There is constant vehicle override in Woodchurch Road and tarmac is the best material in these circumstances; it avoids the need to return time and time again to repair/replace paving stones

Q  [Cllr Realey]  People pay to park at Arrowe Park Hospital, but the car parks have so many holes they are dangerous.

A  [Gary Cummings]  Hospital car parks are not the responsibility of the Council

Sandra Shannon [WUTHT] offered to take back the matter.

Q  [Mr Dollery].  The island outside the post office and the library in Prenton.  If Gary looks at the records people are there every week putting the kerbstones back.  I had a letter from Gary twelve months ago stating he was looking into the matter.  Have you any thought on taking the whole island away?

A  [Gary Cummins]:  Some work will be done tomorrow morning to do with physically removing the island and re-aligning it.  The way forward is to remove the island.  Information is being collated on all the money spent on the island in the last two years to justify the expenditure needed to remove the island.  Hopefully, the island will be removed in the next financial year.

Q  [Cllr. Bridson]  Has anyone any comments to make on the new traffic lights on the island on the M53?  The feedback I am receiving is that everyone is happy.  There were 62 incidents in the last year, and none since the new scheme was introduced.  Has anyone any complaints?

A  [Mr Dollery]  There was one comment in the Press that the lights were like Christmas lights, but it is a massive improvement in the area.

Minute decision:

WUHT to provide an update regarding car park surfaces at Arrowe Park Hospital