Agenda item

Parks & Countryside Services Procurement Exercise - Jim Lester Head of Cultural Services:


The Chairman said that in view of the time, he would introduce Jim Lester, Head of Cultural Services to explain about the Parks & Countryside Procurement Exercise:


Jim Lester said that he wished to give a run-down on a Major Procurement Exercise of those services within the Parks and Countryside Area – this means the playing fields, cemeteries etc., with a gross value of £14,000,000 per annum.


The exercise started in 2008, and we have reported to Cabinet in July 2010 when we asked them to agree the report by Capita Symonds, and Cabinet agreed that we should go forward with one single contract to one single Contractor, and included with that should be the roads and the verges etc., which is already delivered by external contractor.  Since July we have decided that some of the works could not be included in the Contract  - The Crematorium at Landican and the management of our buildings, such as those in Birkenhead Park.  The contract will still be of substantial value of between six and eight million pounds.  In April we shall be putting that contract out to tender, it should be back in by September, and by next January we should have a Contractor.  Over 200 staff are involved in this service.


There are, in fact, thirty six Friends of Parks Groups and Open Spaces Groups.


Another range of the public meetings is coming up, and if you are interested, there are meetings on 3rd March, 8th March, 15th March and 23rd March at Wallasey Town Hall.  These are all open meetings, and everyone is welcome to come to them.


People sometimes ask who should they telephone - we are setting up a Call Line so that we understand better what the problems are.  We are interested in what people want to see and what they want to improve.  This will be at the heart of this new Contract – the Council at the centre as still being the owners of all the Parks, the Contractors who will be delivering the services, and the Users.


West Cheshire, Sefton and Liverpool are doing similar things, and we wish to improve our service and deliver the same sort of service, to generate savings and deliver value for money.  The Contractors will be big Contractors, and we know that there are twelve contractors who are interested.  We shall probably come down to about six, and this contract will be for ten years.  Technical Services are working on the tender documents.


Man – does this tie in to the Ranger Services?  I am talking particularly about the Ranger from Hilbre Island, who is extremely good.


Jim Lester -  it will be tied up with this.  I would like the Council to make it part of the Contract that any Staff who transfer must have the same salary and contract.  With reference to terms of sub-contracting, we have already built into this contract that we will not accept sub-contract.  The Contractors have met earlier in the year, and stated there will be no sub-contractors.  There has not been a Ranger on Hilbre for more than a year, because it is difficult to have someone working and living on Hilbre.  We must get the Rangers better integrated as they develop.  We are talking with the RSPB, the Conservation Groups etc.


Man – ten years is a long time – is that wise?


Jim Lester – we want to see Contractors bringing in good staff who are trained, and it has, therefore, to be a long time.  We need the long-term contracts, and this is typical in the Industry.  We are expecting these invoices to be expensive, because there are thousands of pounds worth of equipment involved.


Ray Squires – does this include the Farm?


Jim Lester – no it does not.  This is run by a Trust, and we are meeting them to discuss the future arrangements.


Neville Tilley – why do we have grass cut in the rural areas, and yet other parts are left neglected?


Jim Lester – this is actually one of the points that has been drawn to our attention.  There will be two specifications – a rural specification and a non-rural specification.  Areas in the rural specification will be cut two or three times a year, and other areas such as the Lever Causeway and the Motorway intersections, as and when necessary.


Neville Tilley – why the Lever Causeway and the intersection on the Motorway?


Jim Lester – none of these are our responsibility.


Cllr. Rowlands – can we, as a Council, make a decision about the skips on verges?  They do damage the verges, and we have to pay for the restoration.


Stuart Marsden – who is going to draw up the specification to which the Contractors will have to work to?  It is critical that this is made correct.


Jim Lester – the specification we are using will show that you have to manage it like this.  The Contractors will have to prepare a Management Plan and Staff will be transferred to them, who have the experience and know what is required.  We shall also arrange for local groups’ representatives to be involved.


Cllr. Mark Johnston – Natural England have to right to report on some sites, and as site owners you must maintain them, and see they are retained (for example Heswall Dales).  We require that to be managed to that standard, which is not an easy thing to do, and they will have to look at the methods used to manage these sites.  It is due to a long-term partnership, and we are not maintaining them, but we are to become responsible.


John Bennington – the cycle track along the road to Thurstaston had a beautiful display of poppies, but the contractors came along and the whole lot were cut.


Jim Lester – this will not be easy, but we shall try our best.