Agenda item



The Director of Technical Services reported concerning objections to the provision of waiting restrictions at 3 locations following an audit of School Keep Clear and associated Traffic Regulation Orders around the vicinity of Wirral schools.




The Director reported that during the original advertisement period of Phase 1, in September 2010, objections were received to the Monday to Friday, 8 am – 5 pm Waiting Restriction, from residents at properties 3, 5 and 7. These objections were supported by two Ward Councillors. One of the objectors had suggested that the situation could be resolved by the introduction of a ‘No Motor Vehicles – Except For Access’ restriction and associated signs, and a copy of her detailed email representation was circulated in advance of the meeting.


Councillor Walter Smith, Ward Councillor, addressed the meeting. He referred to his observations of problems caused by parents manoeuvring their vehicles and creating hazardous conditions for school children, and outlined his views on the issues raised by the objectors and the proposed scheme.


Additionally, a resident provided an email representation, which was circulated in advance of the meeting.


In addition to the objections, a letter of support had been received from one resident who felt the proposals (shown on plan B.Eng/21/10D1) would assist them in manoeuvring to and from their property. This resident also requested that the proposed restrictions be extended to ‘No Waiting at Any Time’.


Brackenwood Infant School had also reported safety concerns relating to parked vehicles within the turning head restricting visibility and therefore supported the introduction of the original advertised waiting restrictions.


Further to minute 17 (8/11/2010) when the Panel resolved that the original advertised scheme for the provision of waiting restrictions be deferred for further consideration of an alternative ‘Access Only’ scheme, the Director reported the views of Merseyside Police, who had confirmed that the introduction of ‘Access Only’ signage and legislation was unsuitable and effectively unenforceable at this location on the basis that ‘Access Only’ could not be easily defined. Parents / carers, staff or visitors could legitimately seek access to the school and then park within Holmway, bringing the sign and legislation into disrepute. Furthermore, officers were concerned that the safety of those wishing to access / egress from the pedestrian footpath would not be addressed through this proposal.


Merseyside Police did not support the introduction of a ‘No Motor Vehicles – Except For Access’ restriction, and recommended that the introduction of Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 9:30 am and 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm waiting restrictions was a more practical solution.


As a compromise to the original proposal, it was now recommend that a single yellow line prohibiting parking within the turning head, Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 9:30 am and 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm be introduced.




The Director reported that residents of 75 Bramwell Avenue and 65 Edinburgh Drive had submitted two separate objections to the proposals for the removal of the existing School Keep Clear Markings, as shown on drawing number B.Eng/1/11/B


The residents of 75 Bramwell Avenue attended the meeting and expressed their concern regarding the removal of the existing School Keep Clear Markings on the grounds that this would be detrimental to road safety causing difficulties with vehicular access / egress to their property.


The residents of 65 Edinburgh Drive had also objected to the planned proposals on the grounds that the proposed waiting restrictions (junction of Bramwell Avenue / Edinburgh Drive) were excessive and would prevent visitors parking outside their property. They felt that the parking problems were caused by school traffic, and only between the hours of 8 am – 9 am and 3 pm – 4 pm.


Correspondence from two Ward Councillors, on behalf of undisclosed resident(s) and the Prenton Tenants and Residents Association, supported a reduction in the hours of restriction to cover the afternoon and morning drop off / pick up only (Monday to Friday 8:00 am – 9:30 am and 3:00 – 4:30 pm). An email representation was received from Councillors Simon Holbrook supporting the residents’ views that the ‘Keep Clear Markings’ should be renewed rather than replaced. He also requested that, having regard to the different ways in which residents living locally would be affected by the proposals, the situation be reviewed in 6 months’ time whichever option the panel was minded to agree.


The Director referred to site observations which had been carried out to assess the impact of the proposed markings in relation to safety and traffic management around the vicinity of the school, and reported that the proposed Monday to Friday, 8 am – 5pm parking restriction, as advertised, would prevent parking outside the school during the whole school day.


In response to concerns from the residents at property number 65 Edinburgh Drive that the proposals would impact on the ability for visitors to park near their property, he reported that the proposals were part of a wider area approach to manage congestion and parking in this area, and would provide a more formal restriction of parking at this junction, improving visibility and safety. Site observations showed that the extent of the advertised proposals would still permit the parking of vehicles at the end of the proposed waiting restrictions on Edinburgh Drive, outside and adjacent to their property which also had off-street parking.


In view of the differing viewpoints involved, the Director sought the views of members on the available options in order to progress this scheme.





The Director reported that the residents of 30 Claremount Road had objected to the proposed No Waiting at Any Time restrictions in St George’s Road, shown on plan B.Eng/1/11/C, on the grounds that they dealt with only one part of a much wider problem and that officers had failed to consult properly with all interested parties. The residents attended the meeting and explained their views on traffic conditions in this area.  They requested that the proposals be delayed until a wide scale consultation meeting takes place to cover the following points:


(i)  Introduction of a dropping off zone.

(ii)  Staggering the end of the school day for different classes.

(iii)  Better use of the CCTV car (or speed trap) to monitor speeding vehicles.

(iv)  Introduction of traffic calming measures within St Georges Road.

(v)  Passing a By-Law to allow pavement parking as specific times of the day.

(vi)  Planning future road maintenance schedules to include the narrowing of the pavements.


The Director reported that the statutory order making procedures had been followed and no other objections had been received to the proposed waiting restrictions within St George’s Road. It was therefore recommended that that the waiting restrictions be introduced as advertised


Resolved - That the Panel note the objections but in the interests of road safety recommend to the overview and scrutiny committee that the following proposals be approved:


(1)  Proposed Revised Waiting Restrictions, Brackenwood Infants School, Holmway, Bebington – a revised time of operation, Monday to Friday 8:00 - 9:30 am and 3:00 – 4:30 pm be introduced, as shown on plan B.Eng/51/10D1


(2)  Proposed Waiting Restrictions (Monday to Friday 8:00 am – 9:30 am and 3:00 – 4:30 pm), Prenton Primary School, Bramwell Avenue and Edinburgh Drive, Prenton,  be introduced.


(3)  Proposed Waiting Restrictions (No Waiting at Any Time) St George’s Primary School, St Georges Road, Wallasey, be introduced, as shown on plan B.Eng/1/11/C.




Supporting documents: