Agenda item

Presentation - Housing Strategy Consultation


The Interim Director of Corporate Services submitted a report providing members with an update on the borough wide consultation process for Wirral’s draft Housing Strategy 2011 - 2026.


The initial stage of the consultation process, to test the draft strategy and obtain specific views on all of the key issues which inform housing policies and initiatives for the future, had ran for a six week period ending on 10th December 2010. It involved a wide range of key stakeholders, members of the public, formal Partnerships and Forums, with initially over 340 stakeholders formally contacted directly to ask for their views, and a short questionnaire was also made available on the Council’s web site for completion.


Over the six week consultation process, 1,369 responses were received, providing a significant amount of feedback to be considered when developing the strategy further.  Significantly, 94% (out of the 1263 respondents) answered that they strongly agreed/agreed with the overall long term vision for housing.  There was also a significant majority of respondents who agreed that the seven key issues and priorities identified in the strategy were either very important or important.


The consultation process had also identified a number of key issues which people felt should be included and developed further:


·  The general use and understanding of terminology in the strategy.

·  the provision of supported housing available and that this should be where people want to live. A range of options would be utilised alongside new provision and existing supply including carrying out home adaptations and providing low level support to help people to maintain independent living.

·  the future of social housing in relation to length of tenancies.  Since the consultation on the housing strategy commenced the government had launched its approach to social housing reform and the use of fixed tenancies on the basis that a social tenancy should not necessarily be for life.  The strategy now included a commitment to produce a strategic tenancy policy for the use and review of fixed tenancies by registered providers to influence how this will be managed locally in Wirral.

·  the ability of young people being able to access affordable homes irrespective of tenure.  The Strategy had been strengthened to take advantage of opportunities such as the potential for shared tenancies and the use of the private rented sector to give wider choice to young people.

·  the development of new homes in relation to the quality of open space, landscaping and space standards.  A new section was included within the strategy that focused on the work housing undertakes with development control, the Homes and Communities agency, registered providers and private developers, in relation to ensuring new developments deliver to quality standards and that housing and planning policies are closely aligned.


The Housing Strategy Team had subsequently collated and reviewed all of the responses received and adapted and developed the strategy further to incorporate and respond to the issues the consultation process had raised.  All of these issues raised have been incorporated into the strategy to reflect local opinion.


The Chair commented that the existing Housing Strategy had served Wirral well but there were new drivers that triggered the need for a review in response to government policies, changes in the housing market, and future funding.



Resolved –


(1)  That the Committee note the results of this consultation process.


(2)  That the officers be thanked for their work in developing the draft Housing Strategy 2011- 2026.








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