Agenda item

Contracts for Personal Support

The list of Providers to be awarded the Contract is set out in an exempt appendix at agenda item 29, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972


The Interim Director of Adult Social Services sought the agreement of the Cabinet to award contracts for Residential and Nursing Home Care and for provision of Personal Support to people in their own homes. A robust tendering procedure had been followed with an evaluation process that included carers and people who used services and the Director commented that the new contracts needed to be in place as soon as was practicable as the current contract expired no later than 11 April 2011. The Council had agreed a standard price for the provision of residential and nursing home care at its meeting on 9 December 2010 and he indicated that commencement of the Contract by the 11 April 2011 for all Residential and Nursing Home Care and Personal Support to people in their own homes was projected to deliver the £5.4m savings target agreed by Council in the 2011-2012 Budget.


The Director referred to a list of providers to be awarded the Contract, which was included in an exempt appendix to his report (see minute 366 post) and, in view of the urgency of the matter, he requested that “call-in” be waived, recognising that the Health and Well Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee would receive a report on the matter at its next meeting. The matter was considered urgent on the grounds that the Council’s and public interest would be seriously prejudiced due to successful tenderers needing time to organise taking on new work in April 2011, in particular where those areas were connected to the re-provision of services which would not be provided by the Council from 31 March 2011. For the reasons set out by the Interim Director of Adult Social Services, the Interim Chief Executive indicated that it was appropriate for “call-in” to be waived.


The Director commented that the evaluation of Tenders for new business had been conducted by carers, colleagues from NHS Wirral and officers of the Department. The evaluation concluded on 9 March 2011 and highlighted that there was sufficient interest and capacity from good quality providers of Residential and Nursing Home Care, Intermediate Care and Respite Care to accommodate the services currently provided to older people and people with a learning disability at Maplehome, Pensall House, Poulton House, Manor Road and Meadowcroft.


However, the Director reported that there was uncertainty over the capacity of care in the market providing services to people with Mental Health problems and it was his opinion that people could be at risk if the closure of Fernleigh continued as planned. He believed that the uncertainty would be resolved by further work with providers and the consideration of commissioning replacement services from the voluntary, community and faith sectors or the consideration of a social enterprise solution. The Director proposed to continue the consultation with people who used services and carers and report back to Cabinet later in the year with options, which could include the retention of Fernleigh respite centre and services continuing to be provided by the Council.


Resolved –


(1)  That Contracts be awarded to those Providers listed in the appendix to the report of the Interim Director of Adult Social Services.


(2)  That the closure and re-provision of services currently provided at Maplehome, Pensall House, Poulton House, Manor Road and Meadowcroft in accordance with the planned dates, be noted.


(3)  That the decision to close Fernleigh respite centre be changed, to instead retain the current level of respite and crisis beds provided at Fernleigh respite centre for people with mental health needs.


(4)  That the Director of Adult Social Services be authorised to continue to consult with people who use services and carers about the future provision of mental health services provided at Fernleigh.


(5)  That as the Council’s and public interest will be seriously prejudiced due to time restrictions on successful Tenderers needing to organise taking on new work in April 2011, “call-in” be waived, in accordance with paragraph 17 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.

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