Agenda item

Providing Excellence in Healthcare into the Future


The Director of Nursing and Midwifery at Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Tina Long, submitted a report which provided an outline of the work undertaken to develop a Site Strategy for the Trust and the plans for engagement over the next three to four months. In addition it updated the Committee on progress with same sex accommodation, hospital discharge and bed reductions at Clatterbridge Hospital.


Len Richards, Chief Executive of Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, introduced the report. The changes implemented at Clatterbridge included the closure of 10 inpatient beds on Ward M1 (Elective Orthopaedic), and the closure of the 15 (5 day) inpatient beds on Ward M2 (Elective Surgery and Urology). In the main, normal wards had circa 28, (7 day) inpatient beds. A draft outline business case, developed following discussions with doctors, nurses and other clinical staff had been produced. This contained three main options for the future location of outpatient services, daycase and planned operations which would allow the Trust to continue to provide the best possible care, services and hospital experience for patients from accommodation at both Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge. He stated emphatically that the closure of Clatterbridge was not an option.


Len Richards also suggested that he would be happy to bring regular reports back to the Committee on developments at the Foundation Trust.


In connection with this item, additional documentation had been circulated to the Committee including an email received by the Chair and Vice-Chair from Sue Green, Director of HR and Organisational Development, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, dated 21 March, 2011 together with an attachment, a letter from Sue Green to Neil Wright and a paper, ‘Surgical Division – Consultation and HR Framework Documents’. A submission had also been received from Colm Byrne, Regional Officer, Royal College of Nursing and this had also been circulated to the Committee.


With the permission of the Vice-Chair, Colm Byrne addressed the Committee and expressed his concern on behalf of staff at Clatterbridge over the reduction in capacity and the manner in which the decision to reduce beds was communicated to staff. He presented a petition to Mr Richards of some 1548 signatures which emphasised the concerns.


Responding to comments from Members, Kathy Doran, Chief Executive of NHS Wirral, stated that since the last ward closures at Victoria Central Hospital some five years ago, there had been other ward closures which following discussions with the Committee had not been brought before the Committee as there had not been a reduction in service provision or a reduction in quality of service. There had in fact been an increase in the number of patients treated.


In response to further comments Len Richards, Tina Long and Sue Green stated that in the last three years there had been a 5% increase in elective surgical cases, about 2000 more cases. The number of inpatient cases had reduced by 1200 whilst the number of day cases had increased by 3000. Patients were still being seen in Clatterbridge but there was now less need for overnight stays. A saving of £500,000 would be made from the bed reductions at Clatterbridge but there had also been significant developments on both sites, including improvements in A&E, investments in Department for Medicine for the Elderly, same sex accommodation and enhanced recovery.


Specific patient groups had been involved in the consultation on changes with wards M1 and M2 and a timetable on the consultation for the site strategy could be shared with all the Committee. The Trust would always work to improve the effectiveness of the service and was aware of the need to make it much more personalised. The Trust would also be engaging with the other occupiers of the Clatterbridge site, the Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology and the Cheshire and Wirral Partnership Trust about the site strategy.


The Vice-Chair welcomed the statement that the closure of Clatterbridge was not an option and also the suggestion for more regular communication with the Committee by the Trust.


Resolved – That the report be noted.

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