Agenda item

Homeopathy Commissioning


Kathy Doran, Chief Executive, NHS Wirral, introduced a report from the NHS Wirral Professional Executive Committee (PEC) on their commissioning plans for homeopathy.


Currently, NHS Wirral had a block contract with Liverpool PCT for homeopathy to the value of £35,270 per year. This contract was due to expire on 31 March 2011. Due to the need to ensure a consistent commissioning approach and at a time of change by the provider, the future of the service required review.


NHS Wirral had received seven letters (to 23 February 2011) from service users relating to homeopathy treatments. These referred to a range of conditions (skin condition, prostate cancer, asthma and osteoarthritis, a learning difficulty/behaviour condition, several complaints together and also chronic fatigue syndrome and insomnia). All seven letters praised the homeopathy services and treatments received. 

In addition, the Chairman of the ‘North West Friends of Homeopathy’ Mr J Cook, had written to the PCT in support of homeopathic services on the Wirral, and asking for an overview of the patient consultation plans should the treatments be discontinued. All letters had received a response with details that the PCT recognised that homeopathic care on the Wirral was valued by the patients receiving the care, and that the matter was currently under review due to changes being made by the provider of the homeopathy services.


The report also referred to scientific evidence for the use of homeopathic products and made reference to other PCTs who had reviewed their commissioning arrangements for homeopathic therapies.


The report went on to outline the different methods of consultation which had been undertaken. The Professional Executive Committee (PEC) of NHS Wirral had:


·  Noted the evidence regarding the lack of efficacy and cost-effectiveness of homeopathic therapies.

·  Approved a recommendation not to commission homeopathic therapies subject to patient and public engagement, and to ensure that all NHS Wirral policies were consistent to this effect.

·  Agreed the need for GP consortia to engage with patients and patient groups with support from the Director of Communications and Engagement.


No final decision had been made as all comments would be fed back to the PEC at its meeting on 29 March. Patient Council views had been sought and they were broadly supportive of a recommendation not to re-commission the service. 


With the permission of the Vice-Chair, Mr J Cook, Chairman of the ‘North West Friends of Homeopathy’ addressed the Committee, followed by Michael Marshall, of the Merseyside Skeptics Society.


At this point Councillor Mountney declared a prejudicial interest in the matter before the Vice-Chair opened it up for debate, due to him having made public comments on homeopathy and withdrew from the room during its consideration.


Responding to comments from Members, Kathy Doran together with colleagues from NHS Wirral and GPs representing GP Consortia informed the Committee that there were approximately 5 patients a month referred to the service, and some 140 in follow up treatment over a six month period which taken together equated to 0.05% of the population on Wirral. A public meeting had been held on 9 March, at which approximately 50 members of the public had attended. Over 20 people had completed the online questionnaire. The contract had been ongoing prior to the formation of the PCT and due to the changes taking place in the health service, there was now the opportunity to review it.


The GPs stated that they were not convinced at this time on the balance of evidence that homeopathy worked and the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee report did not pull any punches in its assessment and suggested that more research was needed.


Those wishing to use homeopathic remedies were able to purchase them from a number of high street outlets.


Resolved – That the report be noted.

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