Agenda item

11:00 Being Healthy Annual Report


Anne Tattersall outlined that the aim of the ‘Being Healthy’ outcome group is to improve the health of all children and to narrow the gap in health outcomes experienced by children living in our most disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The ‘Being Healthy’ plan contains four key elements:


·  Inequalities in the health of children and young people are reduced

·  Reduction in the harmful consequences of risk taking behaviour

·  Encourage and support all children and families to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle

·  Implement the Child Health Strategy


Key Achievements


The Safe-sleeping guidance was ratified and shared with relevant practitioners.


A Referral pathway has been developed between Wirral Children’s Centres and Family Support Worker staff who will facilitate access to oral health service.


A Dentist is in regular attendance at Seacombe Children’s Centre to identify problems and refer for treatment.


Health visitors have been trained as immunisers to provide immunisations for hard to reach families through drop in sessions at Children’s centres.


The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) immunisation catch up programmes for 14-18 year old young women has been successfully implemented in schools and GP practices.


The project to place Youth Alcohol Workers within the Accident and Emergency ‘out of hours’ Department has performed beyond expectations in reducing the number of under 18’s alcohol related hospital admissions.


An Alcohol Guidance document for schools was produced and circulated to every Wirral school.


Health Services in Schools is now hosted in 28 Secondary Schools including a bespoke service in the special schools and Youth Offending Service.


Above target numbers of the children and young people workforce are accessing sexual health training, including foster and residential carers


The intended target for the number of young people engaging with the Brook Outreach Programme has been exceeded.


A 73% increase in number of young people registered with between 2009 – 2010 and the contract has been renewed for further two years


The Homestart breastfeeding peer support programme was launched in April 2010.


The ‘Breast milk… It’s Amazing’ campaign was launched and promoted across all relevant settings.


Accreditation for Stage 1 of the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative has been achieved for all community settings.



The National Child Measurement Programme 2010/11 has been enhanced.


The Family Nurse Partnership Programme has recruited 103 first time mothers under the age of 19 years into the service.


The Healthy Child Programme 0 – 5 years has been implemented.


Baby Life Check was promoted across children’s centres and health visiting teams and Teen life check was promoted across young people services.


A total of 60 settings have committed to the Health Promoting Early Years



Aiming High programme has been rolled out in Children’s Centres and short breaks made available to all children with complex/continuing healthcare needs.





Key Issues


The vaccination and immunisation rates across Wirral are improving but still fall below the target rate for 2010/11.


A review of children’s health services is to be conducted during 2011 using the framework of the Healthy Child Programme (HCP) 0-19 years.


Conception rates published for 2009 has demonstrated an increase in the rate of conceptions in Wirral to 44.0 per 1,000 women aged 15-17.


Wirral has a relatively low rate of uptake for Chlamydia screening. However, Wirral does have a high rate of positivity.


Wirral has high rates of childhood obesity when compared to regional and national data.


Across the Being Healthy outcome area we have made good progress in delivering the Being Healthy element of the Children and Young People’s Plan and in meeting the relevant national indicators relating to this outcome area.


Anne noted that a Schools representative is required on the Being Healthy Group.


Councillor Sheila Clarke thanked Anne for her report.



Resolved: The Board note the Report.


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