Agenda item

What's been happening in you local area:

·  Partner organisations to give local updates on what has been happening in the area



Community Safety – Jim Thompson:

Crime overall has fallen by 63% since 2008 and continues to stay at these levels. However, recently we have seen a slow increase in burglary in people’s homes and thefts from their motor vehicles. With burglary the main method of entry is through an unlocked front door or an open window, please remember, if you have a plastic or aluminum coated door to lift the handle and turn the key otherwise it will not be secure. With the recent warm weather we have all been opening windows, remember to shut them before you go out, it is surprising how large a person can get through a small transom window. A lot of our burglaries are an attempt to get hold of car keys, don’t leave them in the hall, keep them safe. With your cars make sure you don not leave anything on show, if you have a sat nav remove the holder as well as the sat nav. The thief doesn’t know you have taken the sat nav and will not care what damage they cause just to see if it’s in the car, if it is on show it will go is the message to remember.


Despite the slight increase in these crimes Wirral remains a very safe place to live and to keep it that way we all just need to play our small part by being a little careful and thoughtful about our property.


One issue we face in the summer are fires in our open land, we have worked with our colleagues in MFRS and now Community Patrol and the Ranger service have Pack Gliders with them to allow them to put fires out when they are still small. These fires can be started deliberately or by accident, sunlight through a discarded bottle will be enough in the present dry conditions to start a major fire. So please be careful with your litter and for the smokers among us your cigarettes. If you find a fire no matter how small call the MFRS.


With the police, Firs Service, Youth Services and colleagues in the voluntary and community sector we have put in place plans to address ASB this summer with a broad range of enforcement and diversion operations in place. We are also already planning for bonfire night.


Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service – Craig Whitfield:

Went over his report highlighting the main action points form their local IRMP report (Integrated Risk Management Plan).  Full update was available at the meeting (pages 10 - 12 of papers).  Wirral has developed a local IRMP taking account of specific risks and community concerns. The main action points for 2011-2012 have been identified as:


1)  Road Safety

2)  Fire Cadets

3)  Site Specific Risk Information:

4) Wirral healthy Homes Initiative

5) Reduction of Anti Social Behaviour

6) Wirral Stronger Communities Int

7) Risk Reduction in the Home

8) Health, Safety & Welfare

9) Environmental Impact

10) Fire Prevention

11) Equality & Diversity

12) Corporate Social Responsibility


Older People’s Parliament – Ken McDermott:

Anyone over the age of 50 can join the parliament.  For more information re: the Parliament 0151 666 2220, based at 42-44 Market Street, Birkenhead. CH41 5BT


Information: Health & Well Being Agenda organised by the Older People’s Parliament and in partnership with Wirral Council, hosted at the Floral Pavilion 26th & 27th May, this two day event had over 60 stalls covering a range of services and activities for older people.  The event was a huge success with over 1000 people visiting over the two days.  The plan will be to host another event in 2012.


Merseyside Police – Sergeant Pete Bioletti:

Police Newsletters were available for residents attending the area forum.


Comment: Police ‘have your say’ meetings. They need support but people are reluctant to attend.  Regular monthly meetings do take place next one is 16th June 2011 Bidston Rise Estate. Sgt Pete Bioletti – these meetings are crucial to us and forums, thank you for your support.


Q: Do we have a disaster plan and when was it practised and what was the result?

A: We have a disaster plan under the Civil Contingencies Act.  We use it in development of plan is a testing regime.


Q: When was plan given expression?  Was it desktop exercise or did front line staff go out?

A: There are 2 ways of the operation, table top exercise and another is a practical test. Everybody is there.  You don’t know it is an exercise until you get there.


Q: When did the operation take place?
A: Cllr George Davies, Sunday, photos are in the paper.


Action: Michelle Gray to contact Emergency Planning Officer for feedback on operations that have taken place, and information on all of which have been tested.



Mark Camborne - Health, Safety & Resilience Operations Manager (22nd August 2011):

Wirral Council works with a number of multi-agency partners including the Police, the Fire & Rescue Service, the NHS, NW Ambulance Services, the Environment Agency, Merseytravel, etc to ensure that the plans and arrangements that are in place to protect and respond to incidents across Wirral and Merseyside are sufficient and resilient. These plans are exercised and tested on a regular planned basis and of course we all undertake comprehensive de-briefs after every real incident to ascertain whether plans require amending.


The Council has its own emergency plan and this is tested at least 4 times per year with the last test being a "table top" type exercise looking at the strategic consequences and the response to a major power disruption affecting Wirral. This exercise took place on the 10th May 2011.


Comment: Tollemache Road, teenagers hand around there drinking.

Comment: Arthur Street, alleys at the back, there is evidence of drug crime.

A: Sgt Peter Bioletti will look into this.


Support: Outreach Team North Birkenhead we have meetings about diversionary work and how we can support youths.  We can respond to any requests and visit parks or areas of concern.


Q: Did ASBO’s work and how many have been given out?

A: ASBO’s were not used widely on Wirral.  We don’t use them anymore because of change in legislation.


Q: Would Court produce if they were successful?
A: No


Comment/Action: Statistical Information on how many ASBO’s have been issued, how successful and any outcomes etc? Michelle Gray to contact Enforcement Co-ordinator - Wirral Anti-Social Behaviour Team for an update.