Agenda item

Partner Updates:


Wirral University Teaching Hospital


Russell Favager reported on the following:


There is talk that Specialist Services for Vascular Services may be moving to the Countess of Chester Hospital from Arrowe Park Hospital.  It has been recommended nationally to have 2 specialist centres – 1 north and 1 south of the Merseyside/Cheshire area.  If it is agreed that the specialist unit goes to the Countess of Chester, it will be Arrowe Park Consultants that will carry out the operations.  There is a meeting next week and all questions will be answered by the team and consultants.


Q.  It will be difficult for EP Wirral residents to get to Chester to visit.

A.  There will probably only be about 150 of the specialist operations per year.  There are schemes available for arranging transport to hospitals.


Q.  If services are going to be moved, will this affect the university teaching?

A.  There is no evidence that services will be lost or moving away from Arrowe.  A service is being built up in cardiology at Arrowe Park, which will stop patients having to go to Liverpool.


Q.  There are some procedures that take place in various locations (Laird Street, St Caths) and the local GP surgeries will do minor operations.  What will happen to Arrowe Park Hospital?

A.  The patients will have more choice and Arrowe Park will be doing the more complicated operations.


Q.  Is Clatterbridge being closed and the services going to Arrowe Park Hospital?

A.  It is not closing.  There has been a review of sites and the feedback received has been overwhelming.  All suggestions are being looked at and because so many have been received, a decision will be made by the end of October.


Street Scene


For a more detailed report see pages 13 -18.


Community Patrol


For a more detailed report see pages 12 – 13.

In addition to the report the following was reported:

  • To prevent burglaries, it is important to keep all windows, doors and patio doors locked.
  • It is National Neighbourhood Watch Week.  There is a meeting next Thursday.  If anyone is interested in starting a Neighbourhood Watch – details can be obtained at the end of the meeting.


Merseyside Police


  • In the area, Police Officers are working on ‘Operation Door Handle’.  This is a scheme whereby Officers try front doors and if they open, they will speak to the owner about the hazards and the risk of burglaries.
  • If you have a UPVC door, ensure that is locked when you are in the house as well as when you are out.  Also ensure that the deadbolts are used.
  • There have been incidents of ASB, particularly around the parks – Well Lane, Mersey Park and Victoria.  The police are working with Wirral Council ASB teams


Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service


For a more detailed report, see pages 18 20.

In addition to the report the following was reported:

  • There have been 10,000 Home Fire Safety Checks.  The Fire Service will come out to houses and fit smoke alarms and offer safety advice.
  • The Fire Service are running a Fire Watch Scheme – looking for potential risks around the area.  If anyone knows of or sees any risks, then contact the fire service.


Q.  Please don’t put your adverts in the local Newspapers for this area, as we don’t receive the local paper.

A.  Noted.


Q.  When will the new fire station be completed?

A.  It should be open sometime next year.


Q.  What will happen to the Heartbeat Gym when the old fire station closes?

A.  Will take details and find out.


Q.  There is a container that could potentially leak into the Mersey, if this happens, would the Fire Service deal with this?

A.  This will be an issue for Environmental Health.  The Fire Service would only deal with any preventative measures.  The Fire Service will collate risks in the area and will have set up an action plan in how to deal with any emergencies.


There are plans in place to improve that area, from Rock Ferry, Esplanade, Bromborough and Eastham.  Plans are being explored to see if external funding can be found.


Q.  This is good news.  When will residents get to hear about all this?  It gives the community hope and hopefully new investments into the area.  A newsletter might be a good idea for the residents.

A.  Information is passed onto residents through the Area Forums, twice yearly.  Andy Brannan will take details


Q.  Who owns Tranmere Oil Jetty?

A.  There are issues on who actually does own it.  We are trying to work with companies to improve this area.


Q.  There are plans for making a car park in Rock Lane East – Information about these plans were put in the Wirral Globe, but unfortunately local residents don’t get this local paper delivered.

A.  Planning Applications process:


·  On Wirral Council Website

·  Site Notices

·  Letters to adjoining neighbours


Any issues, see Andy Brannan or David Ball.


Q.  Peter Exley, Community Representative – He was involved with the committee and was at the St Peters Meeting regarding the proposals for the front.  No information has been passed on since this meeting

A.  Andy Brannan will check and find out some information.