Agenda item



The Interim Director of Corporate Services gave a presentation and submitted an overview of progress made against the indicators for 2010/2011 in the fourth quarter and key projects which were relevant to the Economy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


There were 21 indicators that could be reported at this year end to the committee.  Of these 21, 15 could be compared with the previous year and 18 could be reported against target. The overall performance against the 2010/11 projects showed that 23 projects were green (Appendix 2 - all milestones had been met) and no projects were red or amber.


He highlighted the key achievements:


  • The number of jobs created had exceeded the target.


  • The Wirral Waters proposals were not called in by the Secretary of State and planning permission had been given.


  • Peel announced that their preferred location for the International Trade Centre was at West Float, Birkenhead.  This was a unique development and had the potential to create significant investment and employment opportunities.


  • A major development of the New Brighton waterfront was on site and good progress was being made by Neptune Developments to bring investment and employment to this area.


  • A major development by ASDA was on site in Birkenhead Town Centre.  This project and the associated highway improvements would bring significant investment and employment opportunities.


  • The Apprenticeship Programme had seen a further £1million investment. The Wirral Apprentice was one of the ways in which the Council was helping to tackle the Borough’s unemployment rate, particularly within the 18-24 year old age range.  This investment would see the creation of 146 new jobs, primarily within small and medium sized firms taking The Wirral Apprentice programme to over 300 jobs since its launch in September 2009.  It had also received a North West award.


  • During 2010/11 300 affordable housing units had been completed within Wirral.  This had surpassed the original target which was set and has been achieved by the Council securing additional funding from Government Initiatives via the Homes and Communities Agency. 


  • Of the 300 units, some 119 extra care units for older people had been delivered offering housing for both rent and shared ownership and a further 23 shared equity homes aimed at supporting first time buyers and supporting developers.


  • Wirral Council’s Cosy Homes Insulation Programme which was funded by Wirral Council and British Gas commenced in October 2010 and was now well underway with 7654 measures installed into private properties across Wirral, which represented a 131,929,256 kg per annum CO2 saving in the borough.


  • Wirral’s Cosy Homes Insulation Programme offered loft and cavity wall insulation subject to an initial technical survey to establish the levels of insulation required, and a maximum grant allowance.  The insulation was usually free of charge and this had been the case for the vast majority of Wirral residents who have already benefited from the Scheme. 


  • The Programme, which has also created 30 jobs locally, has made insulation available to private properties throughout the Borough, and included a targeted campaign in certain areas from the Council’s delivery partner Energy Projects Plus, to encourage take-up


  • There had been significant over performance of the HMRI Programme resulting from additional HCA investment secured to accelerate clearance and demolition to help support new build.  This had been further enhanced by the higher than expected take up of refurbishment programmes such as group repair in Birkenhead and Energy efficiency improvements.


The main risks to the achievement of performance targets were the current economic situation, the availability of national resources, the continued housing market stagnation and lack of mortgage liquidity.


The Director responded to questions from members concerning current housing policies relating to affordable housing and agreed to bring back a further exempt report to this committee on the financial implications for different parts of the borough. He also agreed to provide further information to members by email regarding lettings to people with priority need status and a breakdown of homeless families living in temporary accommodation over a one year period. 


In response to a question from the Chair, the Director gave an explanation regarding the calculation of Gross Value Added (GVA) per head and the consequences for Wirral having the lowest GVA in England in terms of businesses, jobs and worklessness.


Resolved –


(1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the Director be requested to report back to the next meeting on the implementation of affordable housing policies. 


Supporting documents: