Agenda item

What's been happening in your local area:

·  Partner organisations to give local updates on what has been happening in the area



Community Safety – Jim Thompson:

Crime overall has fallen by 63% since 2008 and continues to stay at these levels. However, recently we have seen a slow increase in burglary in people’s homes and thefts from their motor vehicles. With burglary the main method of entry is through an unlocked front door or an open window, please remember, if you have a plastic or aluminum coated door to lift the handle and turn the key otherwise it will not be secure. With the recent warm weather we have all been opening windows, remember to shut them before you go out, it is surprising how large a person can get through a small transom window. A lot of our burglaries are an attempt to get hold of car keys, don’t leave them in the hall, keep them safe. With your cars make sure you don not leave anything on show, if you have a sat nav remove the holder as well as the sat nav. The thief doesn’t know you have taken the sat nav and will not care what damage they cause just to see if it’s in the car, if it is on show it will go is the message to remember.


Despite the slight increase in these crimes Wirral remains a very safe place to live and to keep it that way we all just need to play our small part by being a little careful and thoughtful about our property.


One issue we face in the summer are fires in our open land, we have worked with our colleagues in MFRS and now Community Patrol and the Ranger service have Pack Gliders with them to allow them to put fires out when they are still small. These fires can be started deliberately or by accident, sunlight through a discarded bottle will be enough in the present dry conditions to start a major fire. So please be careful with your litter and for the smokers among us your cigarettes. If you find a fire no matter how small call the MFRS.


With the Police, Fire Service, Youth Services and colleagues in the voluntary and community sector we have put in place plans to address ASB this summer with a broad range of enforcement and diversion operations in place. We are also already planning for bonfire night.


Merseyside Police – Sergeant Justin Diggins:

Reiterated what Jim Thompson had said.  He also added that his priority at the moment is addressing issues such as serious crime, robbery and burglary.  Has had 27 fewer reports this year however still a long way to go, there is now an increased police presence at Central Park. 


Q: There is a new law re: uninsured drivers.  What are you doing to make sure they are not driving?

A: We have strong powers and can seize vehicles there and then, it is an ongoing process. 


Q: We know your Officers have quite a lot of pressure from central park CCTV not being set up has it been set up now?

A: CCTV is being worked on this morning.


Comment: Cllr C Jones – I would like to give credit to Zara Richardson (audience) with a substantial petition as her son was attacked.


Cllr A Jones – reads out letter re: lights in central park, regarding the lighting issues and crime in Central Park, there was a discussion about this at the meeting:


  • Update received from Technical Services: (September 2011)

In response to a petition from Mrs Zara Richardson there was a meeting at Central Park attended by Technical Services Officers, Friends of Central Park, the Police, Cllrs Davies & Salter and Mrs Richardson.


It was agreed that the damaged lighting in Central Park would be replaced with new lighting columns and lanterns.  Also, two of the new columns will be 8 metres high and have the facility for the Police to deploy CCTV cameras if necessary. These positions will allow coverage of the lake area and the football pitch&cricket field. The instructions have been issued to COLAS, the Council's contractor to carry out the works.


Also, the problem of trees obscuring the existing CCTV camera adjacent to the walled garden was noted and subsequently those trees have been cut down to improve the field of vision from that camera.


Kevin Ellis – Technical Services Group Leader (Lighting) 0151 606 2460


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service - Tony Mooney:

Gave an overview of his report highlighting the main action points form their local IRMP report (Integrated Risk Management Plan).  Full update was available at the meeting (pages 10 - 12 of papers).  Wirral has developed a local IRMP taking account of specific risks and community concerns. The main action points for 2011-2012 have been identified as: 


1)  Road Safety, 2)  Fire Cadets, 3)  Site Specific Risk Information:

4) Wirral healthy Homes Initiative, 5) Reduction of Anti Social Behaviour

6) Wirral Stronger Communities Int, 7) Risk Reduction in the Home

8) Health, Safety & Welfare, 9) Environmental Impact

10) Fire Prevention, 11) Equality & Diversity, 12) Corporate Social Responsibility


Full Report detailed on pages 10 - 12 of the papers.


Comments: Cllr A Jones – fantastic work the fire service do with youths with the hub.  Tony Mooney commented that they are excellent.  They have exceeded their targets maybe they should come along to one of our forums to give an update.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust  - Jo Goodfellow

Full report detailed on pages 14 – 16 of the papers.


Q: Vascular surgery is planned to be moved to Countess of Chester – that would cause a problem with transport.

A: the only services that might move to the Countess of Chester is the complex work only about 150 people per year.  If it is an emergency you would go in an ambulance and we would organise transport and some of Chester would come to us as well.


Q: What about Broadgreen?

A: We want to bring work to the Wirral but patients do have a choice where they want to go.


Older Peoples Parliament

Stan Thompson gave an update on the success of the Health & Well Being Agenda organised by the Older People’s Parliament and in partnership with Wirral Council, this was hosted at the Floral Pavilion 26th & 27th May, this two day event had over 60 stalls covering a range of services and activities for older people.  The event was a huge success with over 1000 people visiting over the two days.  The plan will be to host another event in 2012.


Stan also briefed the forum on the services, improvements and involvement the parliament has on changing policies and practices with other partner organisations for older people.