Agenda item

Public Question Time:


Closure of Snowden Road Tranmere Hall Resident’s Association


Andrew Taylor – in a sense this issue has been settled.  This issue concerns Snowden Road – Traffic lights on other roads would mean permanent closure of Snowden Road.  Councillors would not meet with us or site officials and they did not want to ask us our opinion.  They knew better that we would not be consulted until the objection period.  There is an open residents meeting on 25 July at Tranmere and it looks like it is going to be a satisfactory conclusion but we should not have had to do that. 


Cllr Kelly – Senior officers will take that back with them and look to be more proactive. 


Cllr Ann Bridson thanked Andrew for clarification to audience and explained that the new traffic system is actually well received due to four accidents in the past.


Woodchurch Road

A general discussion ensued regarding Woodchurch Road


Richard Neil raised general concerns around the Woodchurch Road area that need to be addressed including parking and traffic wardens


Cllr Williams – expressed it was quite disappointing no other members of the public attended. ‘Grot spots’ were identified but these are not the Council’s responsibility.  There will be assessment for improvement. 


Cllr Bridson – suggested hanging baskets for the area in the hope that shop keepers would water them 


Olive Beckett Mountwood Conservation Area felt the area had lovely buildings but there was a need to “soften” the area


Cllr Kelly – the whole issue fits into neighbourhood planning.  We need to come with plans and solutions. 


Cllr Doughty.  More engagement needs to be done


Patrick Toosey Oxton Society has been trying for 8 years to engage with the businesses in Oxton Village, each committee member looks after 7 businesses each


Cllr Williams – Patrick has worked tirelessly on this.  I would like to congratulate him on what he has achieved


Cllr Doughty – it needs an all party approach.


Parking problems on Rosemount


Mr. Fletcher – Re: Avon buses.  The number 90 is having trouble getting down Rosemount. Suggestion would be to make one side a no waiting zone to allow public service vehicles through.


Response from Technical Services: Currently priority is given to resolving parking problems where a personal injury accident is likely and /or there is significant congestion caused by parked vehicles. This location has no recorded accidents within the last three years. Also to date this area has not been raised as an issue by Merseytravel bus service’s section.


20mph signs on the Mount Estate:

June Foster – submitted a letter to Highways Department requesting 20mph signs on the estate a boy was knocked down on the Mount Estate


Response from Technical Services; After a recent appraisal Pennine Road and Chiltern Road do not currently meet the Council’s criteria for the provision of traffic calming measures however would be considered in the future should additional funding become available


A discussion ensued around the provision of 20mph signs across Wirral including cost of funding and installing signs, regulation and enforcement. Further clarification needed for the next area forum meeting.


Gary Cummings suggested a site meeting with Traffic Officer and June Foster. 


Member of the public: – pot holes are causing a lot of us to go 20mph.  I do a lot of driving.  Considerable amount of pot holes around Arrowe Park Hospital, Heswall to Prenton


Cllr Kelly – Please advise Gary Cummings details of exact locations.


Member of the public – parking on pavements still an issue in the area pavement eg Rosemount , outside schools, Fairview Road, Birch Road


Inspector Grant – we can speak after the meeting, it is illegal to course obstruction.


Minute decision;

i) Traffic Management to arrange a site meeting with June Foster

ii) Area Forum Co-ordinator to obtain further clarification on 20pmh schemes for the next meeting