Agenda item

Strategic Change Programme - Update


The Director Technical Services/Programme Director (Strategic Change) provided a detailed update on the Council’s Strategic Change Programme and reported that following an assessment of the financial benefits of 35 projects, in order to establish an accurate savings target and to ensure that there was no double counting, 12 projects had been identified to deliver £10.725m during 2011/2012. Currently, the programme was set to deliver £8.4m. Of the remainder, a number had identified savings that were realised through initiatives such as the EVR/VS exercise, two did not intend to achieve savings but sought to stabilise budgets, whilst the remainder had yet to determine financial benefits.


Work had been ongoing on a number of those projects and efficiencies identified. However, some projects required further work before being integrated into the programme and he indicated that they were presently held at the conception stage. The Strategic Change Programme Board (SCPB) had requested the development of Outline Business Cases for those projects to allow further consideration before formal entry into the Strategic Change Programme and they would be considered by the Board at its October meeting. He identified nine of the 35 projects, which had been closed as a result of programme cleansing, either because the activities had been completed and benefits achieved or it was no longer feasible to continue with the original objectives. The Director provided a summary provided of the number, status and current financial benefit of each project and commented that it aimed to provide an overview to Members of the content and progress of the Strategic Change Programme. Detailed information on the objectives and progress of each project should be requested from the relevant Chief Officer and portfolio holder.


He reported that the Strategic Change Programme Office (SCPO) was now fully functioning and was closely aligned to the Finance Department. However, it was not the role of the SCPO to deliver individual projects but to co-ordinate the programme and monitor its delivery. He provided details of the governance and delivery arrangements for the Strategic Change Programme, which stated that Chief Officers were ultimately accountable to the SCPB for project delivery and ensuring that they had effective people, systems and processes in place to deliver the outcomes.


He reported also that some projects within the programme were scheduled to run beyond 2011/2012 and indicative savings for 2012/2013 were in the order of £5-6m. The Board had not agreed those targets; but would consider them in further developing the programme alongside the work of overview and scrutiny committees to identify additional projects and activities to address the budget challenges faced by the Council.


In response to questions from Members, the Director agreed to provide details of the resource requirements of the SCP. He commented also that although a sufficient number of projects had been put forward by Chief Officers, all and every suggestion would be considered fully assessed.


Resolved –


(1)  That the thanks of the Committee be accorded to the officers for a full and detailed report and the content and progress of the Strategic Change Programme be noted.


(2)  That the Committee looks forward to receiving details of emerging projects for inclusion within the Strategic Change Programme.

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