Agenda item



Members of the Sub-Committee received a summary of the outcomes of recent OFSTED inspections of primary schools. The various schools had been graded as follows:


Satisfactory Schools


Fender Primary School


Good Schools


Mount Primary School

West Kirby Primary School

St Peters Catholic Primary School

Riverside Primary School

Manor Primary School


Outstanding Schools


Liscard Primary School

St Georges Primary School

Gayton Primary School


Members commented upon each school in turn and Sue Talbot commented upon recent progress at the school.  In the case of Manor Primary it was noted that the school was no longer in Special Measures.  Sue Talbot further reported upon Woodslee Primary School – the OFSTED monitoring of a Grade 3 school.


Members commented that it was a matter of concern that some Secondary schools reported that children were coming into Year 7 with poor literacy skills.  Members agreed that it would be useful for Secondary Headteachers to visit Primary Schools and that it would be useful for a Scrutiny Review to be set up with a focus on what work is undertaken in Year 7.


Recommended – That the reports be noted.

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