Agenda item

Neighbourhood Plan Update


Tracey Smith gave an update and feedback on the Neighbourhood Plans.


The areas in the consultation process included:


Your Economy

Your Health

Your Family

Your Neighbourhood


Tracey’s update focused on ‘Your Neighbourhood’.  An information handout was available for people to read.


Some of the points raised were:


Road Maintenance & Road Safety


Road Safety measures were needed, including better crossings on Hoylake Road and at the bottom of Bridge Road.


Officers and members will undertake a study of these roads and report back to the next Area Forum.


Through the Road Safety Funding, in the Hoylake and Meols area, dropped kerbs are being installed in parts of Trinity Road, Guffitts Rake and Westbourne Road, Church Road and Hilbre Road.  In West Kirby and Thurstaston area they are to be fitted in part of Village Road, Sandy Lane and at the entrances of the Moby Dick.


Safety around Schools – The parking enforcement team have been asked to visit the areas of concern.  The School Travel Team will also be notified to identify and address issues surrounding traffic outside schools.  All investigations will be reported back at future Area Forums.


Speeding – The suggestion of 20mph speed signs outside schools will be put to the Road Safety Team and will feedback at future Area Forums.  In addition, through Forum funding, a vehicle activated sign is to be installed in Frankby Road.


Irresponsible Parking – The Parking Enforcement Team have been asked to visit the areas of concern on a regular basis.


Road & Pavement Maintenance – This was seen as a problem particularly at Hoylake Promenade – The Council has just approved a comprehensive programme of priority road and pavement maintenance schemes.  This is scheduled for this year.  Information regarding this is on the Council Website.

Cycling – The feedback received will be passed on to the Road Safety Team.  Years 5 and 6 in schools will be offered free level 2 cycling training, provided by Bike Right.  The road safety team also ensures cycle routes are safe.


Community Safety

Visible Police Presence – John Martin, Area Commander for Wirral BCU has received all the comments and will attempt to organise his resources as much as possible to deal with all the concerns. 


Anti-social behaviour – This is not a big problem, but under age drinking in parks and in the town centre is.  The Council is undergoing a process of completely re-designing the Parks & Countryside Service.  Council Officers are carrying out a detailed consultation with park user groups and will take all the findings into account when they publish the proposals on the design of the new service.


The Anti-social Behaviour Team and the Youth and Play Service have had your comments passed onto them.


Public Transport – All comments have been passed onto Mersey Travel and they will provide a response at a future Area Forum this year.


Parks and Leisure

All comments will be taken into account when the Council publish the proposals after the detailed consultation process for re-designing the Parks & Countryside Service.


Q.   Where do allotments fit in with this – Are they part of Parks or Asset Management?

A.  They are now in Asset Management Department.  In the budget proposals it allocates an additional £50k for allotments in this area.


Q.  There is a Council owned field off Devonshire Road, West Kirby, this would make a good space for allotments or even a communal garden. 

A.  This area of land is quite narrow and long which may not be suitable for allotments, however it may be suitable for a communal garden.  Kevin Adderley will look into this. 


  The local Councillors have also sent requests to the Council for this area of land.  No response received as yet.  Councillor Elderton will follow this up.


Q.  There is a problem with irresponsible parking outside the United Reform Church in West Kirby.  Cars are parked by the bus stop which is causing a traffic problem and it makes it difficult to get onto the bus.

  Also is it illegal to park on pavements, as per newspaper article involving a police van?

A.  The police disagree with the report in the local paper.  It is an offence to drive on a pavement, but not to park on the pavement.

  With regards to the bus stop outside the United Reform Church in West Kirby, Aldi will be paying to enhance the road in that area.  There will be 2 new pelican crossings and the bus stop will be moved back slightly towards Hoylake.  Aldi have paid £250k for road improvements in this area.


Q.  Is it wrong to park at a Bus Stop?

A.  Dave Green is responsible for the traffic regulations.  This area will be checked.  If a member of public has an issue with parking, then contact Street Scene with information and an Officer will be sent out to investigate.


  Street Scene telephone number is 0151 606 2004


Q.  Is there still a 5 year waiting list for an allotment?

A.  Dave Green is not responsible for allotments.  Allotments have been transferred to Asset Management Department.  He is unsure of the waiting list, but will look into this and report back.


Q.  The tree felling programme on the Wirral Way has caused concern with some local residents.  The screening has been taken away without the residents being informed.  This area should remain a wildlife corridor and not to encourage mountain bikes.  It does need some tree management, but not too much.

A.  The trees which are being cut down are Sycamore Trees, these do not rot down.  The rangers are trying to achieve a clear area so as to let the light in.


  Dave Green explained that there are different views from the public, any further plans for the Wirral Way the residents will be consulted.  The felling of the Sycamore Trees was done for a reason and they will be replaced with new trees.  He will arrange a meeting with residents and rangers before any more trees are felled. 


Councillor Jeff Green explained that the Council is getting better in supporting allotments; a new area has been created in Gilroy Road, West Kirby.  An additional £50k has been put into the allotment budget.  This will prove useful for improvements.


Appropriate land is also being identified for allotments.  Councillors will help and will push through Council.  They will also check names on the waiting list.


Q.  What is happening regarding Spartina Grass on Hoylake Beach?

A.  Councillor John Hale explained that there have been public meetings with approx 200 people attending who want the grass off the beach.  A dig has been arranged for 15th April at Hoylake Beach.  Volunteers can turn up and help dig out the grass.  Unfortunately, the grass will grow back.


Q.  What about the grass at West Kirby beach?

A.  Councillor Gerry Ellis suggested that some diggers go to West Kirby on the same day to help remove the grass.

  Dave Green explained that there is a Beach Management Plan which includes Hoylake – There are plans to spray and rake it out regularly and also use the public to help dig it out.  Last year it cost £30k.