Agenda item

Vascular Surgery - Update Report on Consultation Process


Further to minute 29 (8/11/11) Kathy Doran, Chief Executive, NHS Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral (Primary Care Trust Cluster) submitted a report which updated the Committee on the consultation plan on changes to vascular services across Cheshire and Merseyside and built upon already extensive engagement with patients, the public and stakeholders on the principles involved in the Vascular Services review. Martin McEwan, Director of Communications and Engagement, NHS Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral, presented the report and outlined the three consultation phases envisaged as part of the engagement plan:


·  Pre-consultation as part of the development of recommendations.

·  Active consultation on the actual recommendations.

·  Post-consultation on how the decision is being implemented.


A formal consultation would begin on 23 January 2012 for a period of 12 weeks. The consultation would ask for views on two arterial centres as the preferred option, agreed by the Project Board and the Commissioning Groups. These would be the Countess of Chester for the south of the Mersey and the Royal Liverpool Hospital for the north and operate as centres of arterial networks for the area.


A comprehensive consultation plan had been drawn up, including the latest draft of the formal consultation document. Comments on earlier drafts had already been received by LINks and patient representatives, and amendments incorporated. A planning meeting with the local LINks had taken place and a series of public meetings to specifically include LINk members would be taking place during the formal consultation process. Four main events would take place at a range of locations in Liverpool, Warrington, Wirral and Western Cheshire in January /February 2012, the first of these being in Wirral at Hulme Hall, 3pm-8pm on Tuesday 24 January.


Further engagement opportunities would take place at the main hospital trusts involved, as well as other public places such as other health sites and shopping centres, with exhibition materials being produced for this purpose.


Martin McEwan responded to comments from the Committee, and stated that although the consultation period was a minimum of 12 weeks, he would be happy for it to be extended beyond the May local elections. He referred to the National Clinical Advisory Team (NCAT) review which took place in December, 2011, when an independent clinician from London had interviewed all those involved in the review; the formal report was expected this month. He outlined a whole range of methods which would be used to capture people’s views during the consultation. This would include a combination of closed questions along with the opportunity for more descriptive responses. Stakeholder groups and representatives of patient groups would also be involved in the consultation.


Mr McEwan stated that an advertisement had appeared in the Wirral Globe on 18 January regarding the consultation event at Hulme Hall on Tuesday 24 January, as it was felt that a week in advance was the best time to publicise an event such as this. He would be happy to arrange another consultation event in Wirral later on during the consultation period and would consult with the Chair over this.


The Chair referred to a petition of some 583 signatures opposing changes to vascular services and this would be forwarded onto NHS Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral.


The Chair invited Mr R Chandrasekar, Consultant at Arrowe Park Hospital, to address the Committee on his concerns regarding the consultation. He commented upon the need for the correct information to be given in the consultation document and referred to the map of the areas involved. Mr McEwan, in response stated that he would be happy to double check the accuracy of the mapping information.


Resolved – That the consultation plans be noted with the addition of an extra public meeting to be held in Wirral.

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