Agenda item

Public Question Time


Q: Illchester Road - fly tipping is a disgrace.  Street Scene have cleaned area in the past however I have seen a van pull up, look at rubbish, laugh and then drive off.

A: Mark Smith – I will take this away and get the right people to look at this.


Q: Buttermere Avenue I have been asking to get a portion of this road resurfaced as there are lots of pot holes that just keep getting patched up.  When do we get this road on the list for a full repair?

A: Mark Smith if we are doing as much patching as you say we are, my Officers will be aware of it.


Comment: would like to thank you for Streetscene.  I e-mailed them about broken street lights and they were fixed the next day.


Q: Anti Social Behaviour at Tapestry Gardens; what is being done? Also the new Asda in Birkenhead there has been some trouble around that area.

A: Steve Preston there are two cameras in that area (Tapestry Gardens).  I will take back and get control room to monitor both areas.


Update: Tapestry Gardens - there have been no reports of any anti-social behaviour conduct that are not the normal low level ones we always get from all areas, and as for the new Asda there has not been any increase from our side of incidents. Area is still be monitored.


Q: Number of residents highlighted that Street Lights were out in the following areas:

Ø  Fender Lane (Tesco to Aldi)

Ø  Hoylake Road (bottom/Opposite the Rods)

Ø  Bidston by-pass

Ø  Boundary Road

Ø  Ford Hill

A: Mark Smith – I will take this information away and report back. 


Update:Power failure to Streetlights in Bidston Moss Area/ the power was restored on 28/02/2012. The repair work involved the replacement of sections of old aluminium cable that provided the main electricity supply to the distribution cabinet adjacent to the roundabout at Fender Lane/Hoylake Road.

Further Update: Contractors working at the M53 junction 1 near B&Q were using a JCB and took a chunk out of our main service cable on Bidston Moss on Saturday 24/03/2012 hence a large number of lights were out again on roads leading away from Tesco Roundabout and around M53 Junction 1. Colas had to install another new section of cable and power was restored by Thursday 29/03/2012.


Q: What do you call a deprived area?

A: Councillor Steve Foulkes unemployment levels, free school meal numbers; there are lots of criteria we have to measure.


Q: In 1974 the council pulled down houses at the end of Tyne Street. Now the Council say there is a shortage of housing yet you pulled down 5 bedroom houses.  You said you were going to put smaller houses there but I got a letter the other day to say it was going to be a car park.  Tell me why you pulled the houses down and why you have allowed this to happen in your own Labour ward? 


Q: You have deprived the people in this area.

A: Councillor Steve Foulkes decisions were made at the time when we were in charge of council housing we had to improve and regenerate certain areas within the Borough.  People where in need of houses, however no one wanted to live in that area at the time.  Our priority is to tie up what wasn’t finished when the funding stopped.  We are looking to try and develop that area and have a plan that works with regeneration.


Local Tidy Up’s:

Q: I am pleased that Bray Street is getting tidied up however, can you tidy up Beauford Road as we don’t want people to think we live like that.

A: Councillor Steve Foulkes – I understand and accept that. Technical Services will look into this.


Update: Are residents talking about the open spaces on Beaufort Road? Or are they referring to road and footpaths as this is cleansed by Biffa every Monday. The land where the train tracks are is not owned by us but has been cleansed by the probation team in the past.


Grit Bins: I would like to thank Michelle Gray who helped get us with the issues we have had around the location of our grit bin (placed in the wrong place) Michelle has took this issue on and trying to get it moved to the correct place.


Michelle Gray – I have a lot of outstanding issues with regards to Grit Bins.  I have been told by technical Services this particular bin can be moved and hopefully this will be done in the near future.