Agenda item

Partner Updates




Inspector Kolokotroni reported on the following:

  • Your Neighbourhood Newsletter is available to read.  It gives you an update on activities in the area, arrests and any initiatives.
  • If for any reason you can’t attend any ‘Have Your Say’ meetings, then there is a card available to complete with your concerns.
  • There has been an exceptional reduction in ASB crimes
  • Unfortunately there has been an increase in motor vehicle thefts.  The majority of cases the vehicle has been left unsecure by their owners.  Please be aware of this and ensure that you lock your vehicles and keep them secure.  Keep property out of view, e.g.: laptops, satnavs.
  • Plain clothes officer patrols have been put on in ‘hotspot’ areas.
  • The police work closely with ASB team, Fire Service and Community Safety – ASB incidents are down by 18% from last year.
  • The police have been working with Wirral Partnership homes on a couple of tenancy and eviction issues.  Don’t suffer with nuisance neighbours – help is available.
  • There are Half term plans for children and youths in parks and open spaces.
  • There is funding for youth services – The initiative is to break down barriers with youths to create positive behaviour.
  • Speeding is an issue in some areas – Officers are patrolling these areas.
  • Parking – This is a major concern outside schools.
  • If you have issues of speeding or parking – complete a ‘Have your say’ card or attend the regular ‘Have your say meetings’.


Community Safety


Bob Little, Community Safety Officer reported on the following:

  • The whole of Wirral has maintained and reduced crime.  This is through working closely with the Police and ASB Team
  • There has been a slight increase in inquisitive crime – e.g.: stealing and burglary
  • Dog Fouling – this is still an issue.  Any help from the public would be appreciated.  Report any incidents as they are most likely to re-offend.
  • CCTV – Feedback is required from the public as to why more CCTV is required.


Q.  How do you address the issue of dog fouling?

A.  There is a team of officers who can issue penalty notices to offenders.  You can ring the council number if you know of an incident.  This is reported to the Street Scene Department and passed on to the Community Safety Team.

Q.  Can a member of public do anything if they see an incident of dog fouling?

A.  No, it is only the officers or the police who can issue the penalty notices.  Keep reporting the incidents.  They are most likely to re-offend in the same areas.  The Officers can locate themselves in the areas of concern.

Q.  Who looks after the sea wall by the Lighthouse towards Meols?  Dog fouling and cleanliness is particularly bad on this stretch.

A.  This stretch is looked after by Technical Services.  Dave Green will request an update and an increased clean of this area.


Q.  Has anyone been fined for dog fouling?

A.  Yes

Q.  Is the problem of fly tipping any better?

A.  It is reducing and there have been some successful prosecutions.  Officers can prosecute if they see anyone littering from their cars.  The registration number is taken, a letter is sent to the owner with a fixed penalty notice of £75.

  More work is required to reduce tipping on private land.


Fire Service


Sarah Patterson reported on the following:

  • There has been less ASB fire incidents this past year.
  • Home Safety Checks are available – over 300 have taken place to date.
  • There has been a re-organisation of Merseyside Fire Service – 1 District Manager and 6 fire stations.
  • The fire service work closely with the Police, Community Safety Team, Wirral Road Safety Team and the local schools.  With this, there has been a reduction in home fires, arsons, road traffic accidents and bonfire problems.
  • 2011 Bonfire Night – An excellent result for 2011, a reduction in ASB fires.


Street Scene

Dave Green reported on the following:

  • Road Maintenance – the gritters are on call 24/7 in order to keep the roads clear.
  • If you see any deterioration on any carriageways, then please report this to Street Scene – 606 2004
  • Structural Maintenance Programme – Work is being carried out to alleviate problems on the carriageways.
  • If anyone has any questions or queries – see Dave Green at the end of the meeting.