Agenda item

Performance Management Update


A report by the Chief Executive presented an update on the review of Performance Management within the Council.  It had been accepted that a robust Management Framework must be put in place to bring about improvement.  The Cabinet, at its meeting on 16 November 2011, had agreed that a review would be undertaken as part of the Work Programme.  This was now completed and as a result, having taken into consideration the best practice of other organisations, including Councils, a draft amended Framework was now being proposed at Appendix 1 to the report.


An outline business planning process for 2012/13 that reflected the revised Framework, but took on board the constraints associated with undertaking this review within the current business planning cycle, whilst not pre-empting the outcomes of other KLOE reviews was also being proposed at Appendix 2 to the report.


It was noted that a further report detailing the business planning process and the performance appraisal process for 2013/14 and beyond would be presented for consideration to an appropriate meeting in March 2012.


The Committee considered the detail of the Proposed Performance Improvement and Management Framework, the Proposed Business Planning Proces 2012/13 and Performance Appraisal process.


It was noted that the proposals for managing, monitoring, reviewing and reporting performance would be supported by a clear appraisal process that links individual performance to the achievement of the Council’s objectives. The appraisal process would also support the drive to embed an improvement culture within the organisation.  It was also noted that further details of the performance appraisal process would be reported to an appropriate meeting in March 2012 and it was proposed that the appraisal of all Chief Officers, Heads of Service and Service Managers would take place by the end of May 2012.  This would provide the opportunity for individual objectives to be set against the Corporate and Departmental plans and for Heads of Service to take the lead on developing Service Improvement Plans by the end of June 2012.  This would also enable recommendations arising from the work on the Code of Corporate Governance to be developed in that appraisals would be able to ensure compliance with key corporate governance policies and procedures.


The Chief Executive reported that work continued on delivering the objectives of KLOE 7 which would include the consideration and review of:


  • the Corporate Business Planning Process; and
  • the Leadership and Management approaches.


The Committee was informed that a further report would be submitted to an appropriate meeting in March 2012 which would summarise the conclusions and recommendations following consideration of the key themes.  The report would provide a more detailed business planning process and leadership and management approaches for 2013/14 and beyond, as well as the key milestones and resources required to achieve this.  It would also further detail any additional actions required post-March as part of the Council’s revised approach to performance management, efficiency and improvement.


The Committee was also informed that the good practice exercised by Public Health in respect of its Corporate Governance was being integrated and included within the Council’s processes with the help of the Director of Public Health.




(1)  the progress of this review and that a final report will be presented to an appropriate meeting in March 2012 be noted;


(2)  the amended Performance Improvement and Management Framework attached as Appendix 1 to this report be agreed and the business planning process for 2012/13 outlined in Appendix 2 to the report be noted.; and


(3)  the Business Planning Process attached as Appendix 3 to this report be agreed.

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