Agenda item

KLOE 5 - Review of Policy


A report by the Chief Executive set out the conclusions of a review of policy undertaken as part of the governance work programme agreed by the Cabinet at its meeting on 16 November 2011.


The Committee was informed that the Director of Public Health had been appointed as the project manager to undertake the review of policy and a project team had been established in November 2011.  The scope of the review had been agreed by the Chief Executive as project sponsor and the Deputy Leader of the Council as Lead Member, and the agreed objective had been to identify a model for a Council Policy Unit and take the necessary action required to implement this by April 2012.


As the result of the review, the Chief Executive’s report made proposals with regard to the decision made to establishment of the Policy Unit by April 2012.  Set out within the report was:


  • the methodology and key findings of the research undertaken to inform the review;


  • the proposed core functions of the Policy Unit based on these findings;


  • an assessment of the requirements necessary to ensure the effective delivery of these functions; and


  • the initial staffing and resource considerations.


The proposed functions of the Policy Unit were as follows:


To lead on a coherent and joined up approach to policy, planning and strategy development for the Council


The products and features of this function would include:


  • regular policy briefings;
  • well coordinated policy framework;
  • development of the Council’s Corporate Plan and other strategic plans as appropriate; and
  • policy network for the Council with all departments represented.


The intended outcomes of this function would be:


  • Elected Members being well informed on current and future policy issues;
  • an effective collaboration between departments on cross cutting policy issues;
  • an robust implementation and review of policy decisions; and
  • effective sharing of learning and best practice



To ensure that there is a robust knowledge and evidence based approach to decision making in order to tackle the key challenges for Wirral


The products and features of this function would include:


  • a robust approach to ‘horizon scanning’ and dissemination of information;
  • regular policy briefings;
  • a single knowledge ‘hub’ / evidence base e.g. statistics, demographic information;
  • an annual ‘state of the borough’ report; and
  • a joined up approaches for research and information.


The intended outcomes of this function would be:


  • the consistent use of evidence to develop Council plans and strategies; and
  • a shared view within the Council and amongst partners about the key challenges / opportunities for Wirral


To engage with local and sub-regional partners to shape and respond to policy developments and implement decisions


The products and features of this function would include:


  • utilising the Local Strategic Partnership to discuss policy drivers;
  • innovative partnership working; and
  • a clear briefing process in place to inform the Council’s contribution at City Region, regional and national level


The intended outcomes of this function would be:


  • the Council and LSP proactively anticipates and plans for policy changes;
  • shared view within the Council and amongst partners about the key challenges / opportunities for Wirral;
  • identification of potential resources; and
  • influencing policy at sub-regional, regional and national level through ensuring that Wirral’s interests and priorities are effectively represented.


The Committee considered table which presented an assessment of the proposed key products of the Policy Unit in respect of frequency and the nature of the tasks required.  It was proposed that a 12 month review be carried out to consider the effectiveness of the functions and products identified within the remit of the Policy Unit.


The Chief Executive anticipated that the proposed functions and products set out in his report would be delivered by a relatively small number of core staff in the Policy Unit.  He informed that more detailed proposals would be developed in respect of the structure and staffing of the Policy Unit, including consideration of existing roles linked to these functions and the Head of Policy role that had been identified in earlier reports.


It was intended that the core Policy Unit staff would work closely with a wider network of officers in departments.  The Policy Unit would also link as appropriate to other core functions, in particular where these links had been identified through other KLOE projects.  It was expected that other areas of work may arise from the other KLOE projects which could be considered as they emerged.  These could, for example include the approach the Council might wish to take to self-regulation or management of the Code of Corporate



Members made the point that it was imperative that staff were clear about roles, working across the departments on policy matters.  It was important that the Policy Unit added value rather than detract or undermine.  It would add value at the centre driving a number of policy initiatives.  The level of resource was key to the setting up of the Policy Unit.  Members also suggested that the Council’s partner organisations could be approached from time to time with a view to offering secondments (without costs) to their staff members.




(1)  the proposals as set out above be agreed as the basis of the further work required in establishing the Policy Unit, which will report to the Chief Executive, by April 2012.


(2)  the final proposals relating to the establishment of the Policy Unit be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on the 15 March 2012.

Supporting documents: