Agenda item

Neighbourhood Plan Update


Andy Brannan gave an update and feedback on the Neighbourhood Plans.


The areas in the consultation process included:

Your Economy

Your Health

Your Family

Your Neighbourhood


Andy Brannan’s update focused on ‘Your Neighbourhood’


The areas of ‘Your Neighbourhood’ that were raised included:


Road Safety & Maintenance


Potholes & uneven roads

A list has gone to highway maintenance of the areas that need attention


  Pedestrian Crossings

Area Forum funding has accommodated a pedestrian crossing on Frankby Road.  A site survey has been completed for Manor Road.



Technical Services and an investigation team are looking at introducing a 20mph speed limit on the side roads.  Also to look at reducing speed limits on the roads mentioned in the findings.



The parking enforcement team are looking into the problems that have been raised in the Neighbourhood Plans.


Community Safety


Police Presence

The findings are that an increase in police presence would benefit the community.  The police are doing their best to put more officers out on the streets.


  Underage Drinking

  There is a problem around Hoole Road shops and at New Hey Road. 

This has been passed onto the ASB Team to see what can be done for this area.


Parks & Leisure


Maintenance/Play Equipment

·  The upkeep and maintenance of play equipment in parks.  A team has been out and spoken to the children in schools.  Some of the feedback was that the children didn’t feel safe in the park when it was dark.  The council are redesigning the parks service and all the findings will be taken into account in the plan.

·  The footpath in Coronation Park, by Brookdale School is prone to flooding – this information has been passed onto the relevant department.


Andy Brannan explained that explained that the findings on the other areas will be reported at the Area Forum in June.


Q.  On the website, it is not quite clear over the points raised for

Overchurch Park.

A.  Andy Brannan to check the issues raised and report back.


Q.  With regards to the road repairs – What is the timetable for this?

A.  The programme of work for 12/13 will be published on the website.


Q.  Are there any solutions or ideas to help with the anti-social behaviour around Hoole Road shops?

A.  There are no new solutions, but the police patrol the area regularly.  Councillor Stuart Whittingham has a meeting with Inspector Griffiths next week looking at different ways to try and make things better.


Q.  What happened to the 20 mph road signs – It was the 20’s plenty campaign?

A.  Dave Green explained that they had limited funding for signs and part of the campaign was to move the signs around every 18 months. 


Q.  The pathway between Backford Hall, Irby towards the school has only partly been covered.  Why hasn’t the whole of the area been covered as it is quite dangerous in parts?

A.  Normally the worse pathways are fixed first.  Inspectors will be sent out to look at the area.


Q.  The trees on Irby Road are growing too high, do we have Tree Consultants?

A.  There is a pruning programme – The dangerous and diseased trees are sorted first.  Healthy trees don’t tend to be cut back.


If anyone requires any further information on the Neighbourhood Plans, then contact Andy Brannan.