Agenda item

Public Question Time


Q.  What plans to Wirral Partnership Homes have with Kenilworth Gardens and what plans are there if the house you’re living in is under occupied.

A.  Steve Eaves from Wirral Partnership homes explained that at present there are no plans to build on Kenilworth Gardens.

  • There is a large development programme to build approximately 400 houses, but Kenilworth Gardens is not in the programme.
  • There have been site investigations to check out the land, but this is standard practice.  An Architect has drawn up a sketch, but nothing has been submitted to planning.
  • Wirral Partnership Homes recognise family housing – by moving families out of flats to either 2 or 4 bedroom houses.
  • With regards to under occupancy, there are some changes in the Welfare Reform.  In the overall development programme, some people want to downsize their accommodation.
  • The new houses that are being built have a ‘lifetime home standards’.  This means that door frames will be wider in case the requirements change for disabled access.  Also the stair cases are made straight so they can be adapted for a stair lift.


Q.  Why don’t you want to build bungalows – is this because it’s too expensive?

A.  Wirral Partnership Homes is trying to provide affordable housing.  Bungalows take up quite a lot of space and are expensive to build.  There is a demand for family housing.

  There will be full consultation with the community before any decisions are made about building on Kenilworth Gardens.


Q.  Jean Robinson explained that the woodland area at Kenilworth Gardens is protected.  Be aware of this before any decisions are made about building there.

A.  Wirral Partnership Homes comply with ‘Green Standards’ and are environmentally friendly.  If the area is protected, then nothing will be built on protected land.  Steve Eaves apologised on behalf of the site investigators as they shouldn’t have been looking at this area.  He will contact the officers involved and report back.


Q.  What about traffic if they build at the St Benedict’s Site?

A.  If houses are built at this site, they must provide a traffic signal junction there.


Q.  Why aren’t you allowing access to the site?

A.  Dave Green will find out and report back.


Q.  Why don’t Wirral Partnership Homes concentrate on their older houses?

A.  Any work on houses is recorded on a database to keep on track any work that needs doing. 


Q.  The roofs need replacing on the houses on Royden Road, also the front doors and the electrics need sorting.  Would it be possible to sort out the older houses before you build new ones?

A.  Will get some details at the end of the meeting and sort this out.


Q.  How many people are housed from the flats?  There is a demand on the estate.  Will the new houses be for people off the estate?

A.  No statistics here.  There are 21000 people on the waiting list for housing.  People have to apply for the housing and prove that they are responsible.


Q.  If WPH builds family housing, this will create problems with youths.  It has taken 20 years of voluntary work to get ASB down to a minimum.  It would be better to build 2 bedroom bungalows for the older tenants.


Q.  Why is the speed limit on the bypass by the schools 40mph?

A.  Dave Green will find out why this is the case and report back.


  John Smith, Greasby Community Association reported on the following:


  • Greasby Community Centre is about to be signed over to the community from Wirral Council.
  • There is an issue with the planning application with the Red Cat Car Park.  A 3500 signed petition has been submitted and there have been regular public meetings which were well attended.  The planning application is with the planning department and we are waiting for a decision.
  • Funding was received from the ‘Area Forum Funds for You’ for the Christmas Lights in Greasby.  £1000 from the Area Forum and £2000 from the community.  This is much appreciated.
  • Funding has also been received for the front cover of the Greasby Messenger; this is to make it more appealing for people, so that they want to read it.


Q.  Is there any information on the Anna Klonowski report?

A.  This report has raised some serious allegations in Adult Social Services.  It is a 250 page report.  The document is in the public domain.  There is too much to discuss here.  The public have a right to attend Council Committee and full Council meetings.


Q.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to increase attendance at the Area Forums?  The meetings are not well attended, but they do serve a purpose.

A.  This is to be discussed with Andy Brannan and Councillors.


Q.  There is a problem with the traffic from the Motorway into Prenton.  The traffic is backing up and is causing accidents.  Is it possible to reduce the speed on this road?

A.  Speed limits have been reviewed.  Dave Green will discuss at the end of the meeting.


Councillor Tony Smith thanked everyone for attending the meeting.