Agenda item



5.  DATE OF NEXT MEETING  - Thursday 28th June – venue to be confirmed



Matters Arising


Q.  On the website, it is not quite clear over the points raised for

Overchurch Park.

A.  Andy Brannan to check the issues raised and report back.


Future Neighbourhood Plan documents which refer to Overchurch Park will include additional background information on the park were relevant.


Q.  Why is the speed limit on the bypass by the schools 40mph?

A.  Dave Green will find out why this is the case and report back.


All sites subject to speed limit changes as part of the recent Speed Limit Review will be monitored in line with other priorities. Sufficient time must be given for road users to adapt to the new traffic conditions. Should there be any particular issues with compliance then please report this to Merseyside Police who are responsible for the enforcement of such restrictions.


Q.  The pathway between Backford Hall, Irby towards the school has only partly been covered.  Why hasn’t the whole of the area been covered as it is quite dangerous in parts?

A.  Normally the worse pathways are fixed first.  Inspectors will be sent out to look at the area.


Q.  Why aren’t you allowing access to the St Benedict site?

A.  Dave Green will find out and report back.


  Meetings have been schedule between the Council’s Technical Services Department and members of the Woodchurch TRUST to discuss the issues around the entrance to the St Benedict site.


Q.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to increase attendance at the Area Forums?  The meetings are not well attended, but they do serve a purpose.

A.  This is to be discussed with Andy Brannan and Councillors.


John Smith will contact a number of relevant people in Greasby and suggest a date to meet and discuss ideas around the area forum.


Q.  The roofs need replacing on the houses on Royden Road, also the front doors and the electrics need sorting.  Would it be possible to sort out the older houses before you build new ones?

A.  Will get some details at the end of the meeting and sort this out.


  The roof on the building of the Royden Road shops is planned to be replaced by next year. The roofs on the rest of the estate houses are generally in good order and are only planned for replacement in the long term. Roof repairs on the estate last year averaged approx. £35 per property, which was amongst the lowest levels across Wirral Partnership Home’s stock.


   The electrics in the properties are considered to be satisfactory and many were upgraded during the recent kitchen and bathroom replacement programmes.


An issue was raised regarding a maisonette in the road. The internal maisonette stairs leading up to the property had no heating. Unfortunately, this will not be picked up until the heating systems are due for replacement and it would be up to leaseholders to carry out this work themselves.