Agenda item

Central Park - Liscard Hall


At the meeting on 3rd June an update on Liscard Hall was requested.  Kevin Adderley noted that the position stated at this meeting was that two developers had applied to develop the hall, and the council had asked them submit their  final plans. He then provided an overview of what has happened regarding Liscard Hall since that meeting, and reported that on 6th July Liscard Hall was subject to an arson attack and the council had been forced to demolish the hall.


He reported that the following 5 options for how to take forward the site at Liscard Hall had been agreed at a meeting of the Friends of Liscard Hall to be proposed in a report presented to Cabinet on 16th October

1.Leave the site in its current grassed over state as part of central park

2.Leave the site in its current state with the tops of the walls exposed and a plaque identifying the hall

3.Seek interest from developers to build on the site of the hall

4.Promote a new scheme to refurbish the remaining buildings at the site. 

5.A combination of options three and four: build on the current site but incorporate the remaining buildings to create a bigger development.


A development brief will be issued giving clear guidance on preferences for the use of the site, but its development will be dependent upon the market and forthcoming opportunities.


A member of the public clarified that the location of Liscard Hall is in Seacombe, and not Liscard, and noted that the only development they considered to be desirable would be something that gave back to the community, rather than something solely commercial in nature.  The need for widespread public consultation prior to a decision was also noted.

Q. Member of Public – what would the cost of demolishing the building and clearing the site have been had it not been subject to an arson attack?

A. Kevin Adderley – This is a question that cannot be  answered as demolition had not previously been considered. However it cost in the region of £50,000 to pay for the demolition after the fire and the removal of all rubble. Q. Cllr John Salter – Could you give an update on progress with the insurance claim?

A. Kevin Adderley – Discussions regarding the insurance claim are continuing.


Suggestions for the future use of Liscard Hall were made by members of the public.  Kevin Adderley advised that developers would be asked to express an interest based upon a development brief.  He also advised that proposals would be subject to full internal and external consultation.  The Chair urged attendees to respond to the consultation exercise when this was in place.  As yet there are no proposed timescales for the consultation.

Q. Joe Lee – Are those developers who were previously interested in developing the site still interested?

A. Kevin Adderley – The simple answer is I believe so. However,the proposal is very different to the previous proposal as there is now no building to develop so it will be necessary to go out to the Market for  developers to note their interest in developing the site, rather than the building.


Carole Thomas informed the forum that members of the Central Park Steering Group expressed the view that there should be no residential accommodation in the park.


Minute Decision: Resolved that: Kevin Adderley be thanked for his time.