Agenda item

Care in the Community - Poulton House


The Director of Adults Social Services, John Webb, gave a presentation on the use of Poulton House and how it has use has changed over time.  He reported that it was built as a residential care home and that currently, as well as providing intermediate care, it provides therapy and other medical services.  He outlined the previous proposal for its use which was to invest £1.5m in creating a 60 place care centre at Poulton House for use by residents across Wirral.  However, John outlined concerns that to borrow this sum of money would increase the cost of placements by £100 per week, and that using Poulton House in this way does not fit with the Intermediate Care Strategy as it only caters for residential needs.  At Thursday’s Cabinet meeting it will be recommended that this investment is not pursued.  It is thought that the building can continue to operate without incurring major expense for three further years. 


Meanwhile, the aim is to look to provide more localised services in four locations across Wirral, and to use the next three years to better understand the needs of the community.


The forum were also advised that £8m has been secured for a further development at the former site of Somerville School will create 70 extra care housing units, with scope for expansion in Phase Two of the development.


Kathy Doran added that the PCT has been working for some time to develop more localised services.  A review found that Wirral has high levels of hospitalisation and that just over 50% of people cared for in hospital could have been safely maintained at home had the appropriate services been in place.  Further funding has been allocated to community nursing, community therapy and technological developments to support people in their own homes.  Over the next three years community nursing will be significantly increased to support people outside nursing homes, care homes and hospitals.  It is thought that once these changes are in place it will be possible to make an assessment of the need for beds in the community and make a judgment on the future of Poulton House. 


Q. Margi Allen – What are the plans for the development at the back of Poulton House? 

A. John Webb – This will used for shared ownership housing.  It will be a good quality extra care unit surrounded by other services.

Q. Carole Thomas – Please could you clarify the location of the site?

A. John Webb – It is a four acre site off Gorsey Lane.


Q. Joe Lee – How has the amount of years Poulton House can continue to operate for been estimated?

A. John Webb – Poulton House currently meets registration standards, and a building appraisal has found that it should continue to do so for a further three years, or possibly more, with general maintenance. 


A member of the public informed the forum of an incident last night involving 4 HGVs parked outside the building site near Mill lane with unprotected gas cylinders.  Kathy Doran was not aware of the incident, and gave assurance that she would investigate it.


A member of the public gave examples of how difficult it is to move away from residential care such as that at Poulton House and highlighted the need to consider this.  John Webb emphasised that there is no suggestion that Poulton House will close, but only a recommendation not to invest in a 60 place care centre for Wirral as it does not fit with the strategic approach planned.  He informed the forum that it is recognised that better discharge plans and different services are required and that these will be put in place over the next three years, during which Poulton House will continue to operate. 


Q. Leah Fraser [Chair] – Can you give any assurance over the choice to use shared ownership housing in the current financial climate?

A. John Webb – The model has been costed and funding for some of it has been secured.  Shared ownership is a model which has worked and no information to the contrary has been received. 


Minute Decision: Resolved that: John Webb and Kathy Doran be thanked for their time.