Agenda item

Partner Organisations Update

·  Merseyside Police/Community Safety

·  Fire Service

·  NHS Foundation Trust

·  Primary Care Trust

·  Older Peoples Parliament


Unfortunately nobody here from PCT or NHS Foundation Trust and apologies had been given.  John Webb offered to take back any questions.


Joyce Jackson, the public governor for Wirral University Hospital Trust introduced herself as someone the community could contact. The Chair asked whether she would like to give a talk sometime.


Q – Query around the proposal to move from the Miriam Centre to a new build at the Aldi site, and rumour picking up is that is has fallen through.

A – Councillor Foulkes confirmed that Cavendish/Miriam would be separate practices but would share a building.  He thought patients of practices had agreed.  JW would get this clarified.




Overall good progress to report.  Crime had reduced, however assaults had increased, mainly domestic but also on police officers.  There were a number of initiatives running throughout the year to try and reduce crime.  There had been a high profile incident over the last couple of months, one involving fire arms in Trinity Street.  They were actioning diversionary activities of youth around this weekend towards 5 November.


Wirral Community Safety Team


Team consists of Policy, Fire Service, Council, Youth Offending Service, Anti Social Behaviour Teams and was a mix of people working together towards crime and disorder reduction. 


They reported a drop by 32% burglary/car crime.  They worked with partner agencies around the North West as well and Wirral was the best performing local authority.


Recently involved in ‘Not In My Neighbourhood’ week to let public know what doing to reduce crime in the area.  Had 500 referrals back from members of the public indicating priorities in the area they wanted to address in the community.  This would be published fairly soon. 


Over last 3 years, owing to Fire Service and ourselves, reported the lowest number of firework incidents across Merseyside.  The Anti Social Behaviour Team had run a 6 month programme of advice surgeries.  They used the Respect bus and youth engagement was part of their activity, e.g. Operation Safe Space involving open spaces such as parks etc.  All helped to reduce amount of anti social behaviour and gave young people something to do during the summer months.


Q - Councillor Smith had received a number of referrals raising concerns around a shop in Duke Street and had written to Paul Harrison about this.

 A – We are aware of and looking into it, using as many different ways as possible.


Councillor Smith raised the issue of the proposal for a new Police Station on the old Rivers Streets site.  He wanted to put forward that this be called Dixie Dean House the Area Forum agreed to put forward the proposal.


Q – Pat Landsborough asked Ian how these positive reviews were being publicized.

A – Ian agreed could do more to spread the message and he would take that comment back.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service


Ben Ryder, District Manager updated on activity since the previous forum.  This was a busy period for the Fire Service and partners.  We were addressing the issues at all levels throughout the organisation and working at a strategic level to stop illegal fireworks, and were probably the best region in the country for tackling this. 


We have to try and improve every year.  In terms of fireworks sold, inspections had been carried out on premises to make sure fireworks are being sold in the right manner, in conjunction with Police and other agencies.  This involves daily briefings to share information on where incidents are occurring.  Bidston is one area that needs resources putting in.  Purposely don’t advertise strategies as children are resourceful.  Fire Service have a network of volunteers clearing bonfire materials.  If there are materials you spot in your local community phone local fire stations and a Freephone number was given out.  Last year, Wirral was the only district to have a reduction in bonfire and secondary fires and the anti social behaviour that it brings, and the service was working hard to do the same this year. 

Another thing we are proud of in the Wirral is that we will have been to every secondary school by 5.11.08 to target specific age groups.  The Department of Children and Young People have invited us in and been of help to get message out.


Q – Councillor Davies – are you getting any financial assistance from partners?

A – not sure any funding, but partnership working going very well.  Trying to work with housing associations etc to try and get premises, if not in use, secured properly.

Ian confirmed Community Safety were working with Wirral Partnership Homes.


Q – I have noticed improvements and had letter box sealed.

A – We are able to do if resources available.


Q – Are you moving the rubbish in Brow Road?

A – If there is rubbish that you consider can be set on fire phone your local fire station and they will speak to their Arson Reduction Team and Anti Social Behaviour Team and try and get it cleared.  The best people to tell us are yourselves, we do need your assistance.