Agenda item

Public Question Time


The Chair reported that questions have been submitted in writing on the topics –

·  Dog fouling along the shops on Ford road, Upton. Is there a chance of receiving additional dog fouling bins.

·  There should be safety railings along the shops on Ford Road from Owens Health and Fitness Centre in Upton Village , and the need for people to walk on the road

·  Dog fouling in Woodlands Park, off Warwick Road.

·  Vehicles parking on the kerb in Warwick Road and causing problems for residents, particularly at times when children are being dropped off and collected from school

The Chair advised that the questions will be passed on to the relevant Council Officers and feedback will be given at the next Area Forum meeting.

Questions raised at the meeting –

Q  The double yellow lines outside the school need to be repainted. Which school?

A  Cllr Tom Anderson undertook to address the issue.

Q  Parking on the corner and the need for speed cameras in the area. Is this the same school?

A  [Inspector Griffiths]:  Tickets are issued. 

  [Cllr Quinn]  I would advise members of the public to request that an Enforcement Officer visits the area at school opening and closing times.  Problems encountered at other times should be brought to the attention of Streetscene.  Someone can go and give fixed penalty notices to people that park there.

Q  Are there anymore plans for erect more Dog fouling signs:

A  (Cllr Gardner:  Dog fouling signs are available to deter the problem, and if you phone Street Scene the dog wardens will go to the area and address the issue, and hopefully people will put the signs up.

  We are getting some signs to put on the litter bins, so people are aware if you pick up you can put in any litter bin in Wirral.  To raise awareness of that.  A lot of new initiatives are going through and hopefully will be in place by the end of the month).

Q  This building is appalling, acoustically.  You [forum members] might be able to hear, but all of us [in the audience] are finding it very difficult to hear and understand what is being said.

Q  How much information does the public have on the Health front?  It is very rare we get mentioned in Irby.  Other areas deserve a mention as well.  Most of the Community Representatives on the forum talk about Greasby.

Q  Roads, highways.  The council are asking for people to tell us what roads should be repaired but isn’t that the job of the council to find out themselves what roads they should fix.There are a large number of roads that need to be resurfaced and signs made clearer, and foliage cut back, so you can see where you are going,

A  [Cllr Quinn]  I agree we should not have to wait for you to tell us what to do about Streetscene.  The ‘You Decide’ money is about you asking for extra things in Wards,  it is not about routine work that should be done on a regular basis.  Roads are inspected every year.  It may be you have a local road that is not in as good condition as it might be, and if so, it will be in the programme.  ‘You Decide’ is about additional things.

Q  Carbon monoxide.  Is it the Fire Service install the carbon monoxide detectors?  I have been given one and don’t know how to fix it, who would fix it and advise where to put it?

A  (Jean Robinson: I have a Carbon Monoxide detector myself. They are usually placed by the fire, however there should be instructions included with it. If your detector doesn’t come with instructions please contact the manufacturer who supplied it)

Q  Between Thingwall and Upton, an elderly gentleman walks up and down daily in all sorts of weather. I am concerned.  Someone needs to keep an eye on him.

  [Maureen Cain stated that she knows the elderly gentleman.  There is nothing to worry about. He lives in Thingwall and walks daily to the cemetery because his wife has recently passed away and he goes to visit the cemetery].

Q  When will lights be put up in the MUGA in Woodchurch?

A  [Chair] We will take your details and come back to you with an answer.

Q  The four Adventure and Nature Play areas mentioned on page 15 of the report. Do you know where these will be located?

A  The Area Co-ordinator will take details and come back with a response.

Q  Our property has been targeted by someone with a high powered air rifle which has caused damage and stress to my family. What is being done to address incidents in the past ten days on the Overchurch?

A  [Inspector Griffiths]. If the member of public can give me the details at the end of the forum I will take our name and follow up on the enquiry.

Q  In July I rang about the trees in Warwick Road.  I have rung the council’s Streetscene Department and spoke to Mr Alan Young five times since July.  It’s so dark I have to have the lights on all the time in the summer.

A  [Jean Robinson]  The trees in Gainsborough Road are going to be cut back this year. Some trees belong to Wirral Partnership Homes and some to Wirral Council.  WPH have been out to visit, but unless there is a danger to people or property, they will not do anything. It costs £8,000 a tree.  They are cutting back trees along Gainsborough Road and Moreton Road, behind the sandstone wall.  Brian Smith is the officer responsible.

Q  There is a general lack of response to queries when I ring the Streetscene Department.

A  [Cllr Quinn].  If you are contacting Streetscene you should at least get an acknow-ledgement.  I agree that is not right, and I would like to see that happening.  I don’t know about any particular case but I will make enquiries if you give me the details at the end of the meeting and I will follow it up.

Q  What is being done about youths from surrounding areas who are causing chaos on the Woodchurch/Overchurch? Estate?  They are not from this estate, it is the youths and girls from surrounding areas.  People look down their noses at this estate.  Some of their parents should come into my house on Saturday night and see what I have to put up with.

A  [Insp. Griffiths]  There have been ongoing meetings regarding this area.  Certainly last Friday and Saturday, I have got some officers down there and that will continue for as long as it can.  What is being suggested is to get a clause in the ABC contract which says you are not to go in a particular area.  I will say now, if I can get an ABC on someone and aim towards working with that young person, the majority of young people, if you get early intervention and get away from the drinking habits, they are great.  Keep them away from the hard core.  An ABC not to go into a particular geographic area or not to take drugs in particular places.  It’s a very small minority who spoil it for the majority.

Q  Can someone explain if there is a Community Centre in Woodchurch and whats the difference between the Community Centre and the Leisure Centre as it wasn’t answered fully in the minutes of the last forum?

A  [member of the public]  There is a Community Centre in Woodchurch, it is on the same site as the leisure centre. The community centre can hold private functions, however it does not have a Licence for drinking.  The leisure centre does have a license for drinking which can be used for functions in the community centre. If you want to hire for a licensed function speak to the manager of the Leisure Centre.

Q  Can we have an update on the Pathways Programme. Overchurch was not included in the programme?

A  [Chair]We will have to go back to the people who run the programme and ask why that was.

Q  What was the outcome of the road improvement scheme on Thingwall Road?

A  [Cllr Quinn]  There was a public consultation and public opposition resulted in the original proposals being dropped.  There were no objections to the revised plan, which will involve 30 mph flashing signs and enhanced markings on the road surfaces. There is a full update included in these minutes.

Q  What is happening on St Benedict’s site?

A  [Chair]The site was bought by a private developer about 12 months ago with the intention of applying for planning consent to build housing.  Due to the credit crunch, I understand the builder is not proceeding at the moment.  The site was formerly owned by the Diocese of Shrewsbury, not Wirral Council.  The building is an eyesore and we have suggested that it is knocked down and the cost of demolition is recharged to the developer.  So far, nothing has happened.  The Fire Service are raising awareness of the dangers and are advising young people not to go on to the site.  There is security on site.

  The Chair proposed that a progress report is given at the next meeting of the Area Forum.

Q  You are supposed to have an item Any Other Business on the agenda.  You mentioned the credit crunch.  Has Wirral Council invested in the Icelandic banks?

A  [David Smith}  We do have some money that is invested, but not in one of the Icelandic banks.  We are reasonably hopeful of getting the money back, but it is a small investment.  The problem is the situation is changing on a daily basis so it is very difficult to see to what extent that money is at risk.  We do not have shares in the Icelandic Bank.  We get money in from Council Tax and pay money out and any balance in the current account is invested to earn interest.  Wirral has been affected, as have most Local Authorities.


Q  The You Decide funding.  How was it publicised and who decided the priorities.

A  To ensure everyone had the chance to take part and complete the survey there were a number of ways to fill in the survey. The questionnaires were conducted via an independent research company called Mott McDonald. They were used to ensure that the results remain independent. There where a number of ways to complete the questionnaire including an online paper based surveys and on street interviews conducted by Mott McDonald.  With a deadline of September, the questionnaire asked residents about what additional council services they would most like to spend the money on.