Agenda item





Proposed by Councillor Phil Davies

Seconded by Councillor Steve Foulkes


This Council believes that the Tory/Lib Dem coalition currently in power nationally and locally is out of touch with the views of ordinary people.


Out of Touch on the Economy


In the recent Budget David Cameron prioritised a tax cut for the richest 1% over help for struggling families.


The Budget also included a hidden raid on pensioners. David Cameron’s ‘granny tax’ means nearly 4.5 million pensioners lose an average of £83 a year next April. And people turning 65 next year will lose up to £323.


Council supports Labour’s call for a change of course in favour of adopting a 5-point plan for jobs and growth, which includes a tax on bank bonuses to fund a real jobs guarantee for all young people out of work for a year.


Out of Touch on Police and Fire Services


As a result of Tory/LibDem cuts, in Merseyside 624 police officer posts have been slashed and by 2015 five fire stations could have to close and 150 fire-fighter posts deleted.


Council calls on the Tory/LibDem coalition government to reverse these damaging cuts so that people in Merseyside can feel safe.


Out of Touch on the NHS


The Tory/LibDem coalition is also wasting billions on a damaging NHS reorganisation – opposed by patients, nurses and doctors – that will do nothing for patient care and which David Cameron promised wouldn’t happen.


Instead of wasting billions on a damaging and unnecessary reorganisation, Labour would save the money and protect 6,000 nurses jobs. Labour would put patients first, protect the frontline and support the right kind of reforms needed to address the long-term challenges of the NHS.


Out of Touch on Wirral Council


The Tory/LibDem coalition running Wirral Council has slashed 1200 local authority jobs – more than one-fifth of the workforce. Their budget for 2012/13 will put 135 jobs at risk; offer a one-off election bribe; lead to an automatic rise in the Council Tax next year; and provide less money for Council services.


Labour’s budget proposed a 0% increase in Council Tax; extra jobs for young people; £5 million to invest in savings next year; more appropriate care for the elderly; improving anti-social behaviour services; tackling fly-tipping and improving road safety.


Council believes that on all of these key issues the Tory/LibDem coalition is out of touch and, as a result of these failures, they should be out of office.


Amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(2)


Proposed by Councillor Tom Harney

Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell


Delete title and replace with: “Wirral Labour is Out of Touch”


Delete all text after “This Council believes that the” and replace with:


Labour Party in Wirral is out of touch with the views of ordinary people.


Council notes that, since last May, when Labour took over the running of the Council, their performance was poor, as evidenced by;


·  Their inadequate response to the AKA report

·  Their lack of progress on delivering 20mph zones

·  Their rejection of the PACSPE process and significant additional costs incurred

·  Their incoherent approach to developing the Corporate Plan

·  Their approach to budget setting, including the production of budget proposals as an item of ‘AOB’

·  Their failure to listen to the response to their own budget consultation, where a clear preference for a council tax reduction was expressed

·  Their failure to support a £4m boost to the local economy through a Council Tax discount


Council also notes that, when the other Parties realised how bad things had become, Labour were removed from leading the Council, in favour of new working arrangements that allowed all the political Parties to work together in an All-Party Cabinet to help the Council improve.


Council is dismayed that Labour have chosen to react to the worst crisis in the Council’s history by running away from their responsibilities and refusing to take up their seats in the All-Party Cabinet now running the Council.


Council believes that most people want politicians to work together in the best interests of the Borough – and that Labour are out of touch by refusing to work with others, choosing instead to make opportunistic political attacks, denying any responsibility for the mess they created and failing to come up with any positive alternatives of their own.


Council also believes that Labour is out of touch with their Party nationally, especially now that Ed Miliband and Ed Balls have admitted that cuts are necessary and have finally admitted that Labour would not restore the cuts that have been made to clear up their mess in government.


Following a debate and Councillor P Davies having replied, the amendment was put and carried (36:29) (One abstention).


The substantive motion was put and carried (36:29) (One abstention).


Resolved (36:29) (One abstention) -


This Council believes that the Labour Party in Wirral is out of touch with the views of ordinary people.


Council notes that, since last May, when Labour took over the running of the Council, their performance was poor, as evidenced by;


·  Their inadequate response to the AKA report

·  Their lack of progress on delivering 20mph zones

·  Their rejection of the PACSPE process and significant additional costs incurred

·  Their incoherent approach to developing the Corporate Plan

·  Their approach to budget setting, including the production of budget proposals as an item of ‘AOB’

·  Their failure to listen to the response to their own budget consultation, where a clear preference for a council tax reduction was expressed

·  Their failure to support a £4m boost to the local economy through a Council Tax discount


Council also notes that, when the other Parties realised how bad things had become, Labour were removed from leading the Council, in favour of new working arrangements that allowed all the political Parties to work together in an All-Party Cabinet to help the Council improve.


Council is dismayed that Labour have chosen to react to the worst crisis in the Council’s history by running away from their responsibilities and refusing to take up their seats in the All-Party Cabinet now running the Council.


Council believes that most people want politicians to work together in the best interests of the Borough – and that Labour are out of touch by refusing to work with others, choosing instead to make opportunistic political attacks, denying any responsibility for the mess they created and failing to come up with any positive alternatives of their own.


Council also believes that Labour is out of touch with their Party nationally, especially now that Ed Miliband and Ed Balls have admitted that cuts are necessary and have finally admitted that Labour would not restore the cuts that have been made to clear up their mess in government.