Agenda item



Proposed by Councillor Jeff Green

Seconded by Councillor Lesley Rennie


Council notes that its reputation among staff and taxpayers has been hit by a failure to be open and honest with the people we serve about the problems within the organisation, including two PIDA reports; a Red Flag from the Audit Commission; intervention using the Libraries Act; a damning CQC Report and ongoing weaknesses in corporate governance.


Council believes that all parties must work together to tackle these serious failings and welcomes the work so far that has also:


·  Returned £4 million to the local economy through a cut in Council Tax

·  Helped the over 70s with an additional Council tax reduction

·  Supported services for families including Sure Start

·  Given greater opportunity for local communities to tackle issues in their neighbourhoods

·  Supported our returning veterans

·  Doubled the size of the Dog Fouling Enforcement Team


Council believes that, even in these tough times as the country tackles Labour’s legacy of debt, the needs of the people in the Borough can be met and only by being honest about our past failings can those weaknesses be addressed.


Amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(2)


Proposed by Councillor Phil Davies

Seconded by Councillor Pat Hackett


Delete all and replace with the following:


An open and honest Council, working together, recognises and acknowledges its joint responsibility for the actions of its elected Members and Senior Officers. In so doing it should not resort to trying to con the Wirral public with illusory financial gains which bear no relation to the impact of the national led Tory-Lib Dem coalition cuts which will hit Wirral families severely.


Council recognises that:


·  A one-off £30 per household cut in Council Tax is totally negated by families in Wirral losing their Working Families Tax Credit of an average of £580 per year

·  Council Tax will increase next year by 0.48%

·  The over 70’s are being hit by tax hikes, fuel and VAT rises whilst millionaires receive tax cuts of £40,000

·  £100 million has been slashed over three years from funds for vital Council services

·  Local residents’ safety is being put at risk through cuts to police and fire services

·  £4m has been cut from the Council’s budget to bribe voters with a one-off Council Tax rebate, using money which was earmarked for protecting services in the future

·  1200 jobs have been axed from the Council, funded by a loan of £4.4m from government to fund redundancy payments and damaging local services

·  £19m has been slashed from services for vulnerable adults

·  The NHS is being carved up and privatised.


Council believes that the climate of austerity, leading the Country into double dip recession and record unemployment is a national disgrace on which the Wirral public will rule at the ballot box shortly.


Following a debate and Councillor Green having replied, the amendment was put and lost (29:36) (One abstention).


The motion was put and carried (36:29) (One abstention).


Resolved (36:29) (One abstention) –


Council notes that its reputation among staff and taxpayers has been hit by a failure to be open and honest with the people we serve about the problems within the organisation, including two PIDA reports; a Red Flag from the Audit Commission; intervention using the Libraries Act; a damning CQC Report and ongoing weaknesses in corporate governance.


Council believes that all parties must work together to tackle these serious failings and welcomes the work so far that has also:


·  Returned £4 million to the local economy through a cut in Council Tax

·  Helped the over 70s with an additional Council tax reduction

·  Supported services for families including Sure Start

·  Given greater opportunity for local communities to tackle issues in their neighbourhoods

·  Supported our returning veterans

·  Doubled the size of the Dog Fouling Enforcement Team


Council believes that, even in these tough times as the country tackles Labour’s legacy of debt, the needs of the people in the Borough can be met and only by being honest about our past failings can those weaknesses be addressed.