Agenda item



Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist

Seconded by Councillor Alan Brighouse


(1)  This Council recognises the commitment of successive Governments to encourage the use of bicycles and that cycling is an extremely efficient form of transport which is good for health and the environment.


(2)  Council is concerned, however, that the number of cyclists killed on Britain’s road this year had risen to eighteen by the third week in March, and is grateful that these individual tragedies have been highlighted by The Times and other newspapers, taking important and welcome steps to raise awareness of the dangers facing cyclists as road users and the steps that can be taken to improve safety and cycling conditions.


(3)  Council welcomes:


(a)  the Cycling Strategy adopted by Cabinet, drawing together various funding streams, to improve safety at key locations throughout Wirral


(b)  the close working relationship with the Merseyside Integrated Transport Authority to secure cycle training for all age groups and the funding of Bikeability training by the Government


(c)  the longstanding contribution that the work of the members of Wirral’s Cycle Forum in progressing local schemes that benefit cyclists in Wirral.


(4)  Council recognises that the highways maintenance budgets include a programme of road repairs and funding to react to potholes and hazards as they are identified.


(5)  Council also welcomes the additional funding made available to Area Forums to respond to and target local problems and priorities.


(6)  Notwithstanding these provisions and the guidance on tackling ‘actionable defects’ Council recognises that:


(i).  potholes represent an especial hazard to cyclists who have to avoid them


(ii).  the area of highway used by cyclists adjacent to road edges and kerbs always needs to be examined with the needs of cyclists in mind.


(7)  Accordingly, Council requests that Wirral’s engineers and highway inspectors routinely bear these factors in mind when carrying out their inspections and develop guidelines which fully recognise these issues.


(8)  Further, Council urges the Cycle Forum to examine the measures proposed in the Times' cyclist manifesto, alongside local evidence about what improvements could be made to improve safety, and to make recommendations to Cabinet (or other such committee as appropriate) about further appropriate measures or actions that could be taken in Wirral to improve safety and cycling conditions.


Amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(2)


Proposed by Councillor Wendy Clements

Seconded by Councillor Paul Hayes


Add in after paragraph 8


(9)  Council further welcomes the report considered by Cabinet at its meeting of 12th April 2012 ‘20MPH speed limits in residential areas’ and believes adoption of the recommendations contained within that report will further assist in delivering the right conditions for safer cycling.


(10)  In order to facilitate the implementation of 20MPH speed limits in Wirral’s residential areas Council requests:


(a)  that the Deputy Director of Technical Services ensures a relevant Council Officer attends the 3rd ‘20’s Plenty For Us Annual Conference’ on 1st May 2012 and that Rod King, Director of the 20s Plenty Campaign Group be invited to Wirral to give an overview of 20MPH speed limits.

(b)  that the Leader of the Council writes to Chris Boardman MBE asking him to assist the Council in promoting cycling in Wirral and 20MPH speed limits in residential areas.


Amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(2)


Proposed by Councillor Harry Smith

Seconded by Councillor Jerry Williams


At end of paragraph 3 (b) add ‘and previous governments’.


Add the following paragraphs:-


(9)  Council recognises that in the current economic climate many people rely on bicycles as their main mode of transport.


(10)  Council recognises that cyclists also have a responsibility to keep themselves safe, for example, through the use of high visibility clothing and appropriate equipment.


Having applied the guillotine in accordance with Standing Order 7(8) the Council did not debate this matter.


The mover of the motion agreed to accept both amendments and the motion, as amended, was put and it was –


Resolved (65:0) (One abstention)


(1)  This Council recognises the commitment of successive Governments to encourage the use of bicycles and that cycling is an extremely efficient form of transport which is good for health and the environment.


(2)  Council is concerned, however, that the number of cyclists killed on Britain’s road this year had risen to eighteen by the third week in March, and is grateful that these individual tragedies have been highlighted by The Times and other newspapers, taking important and welcome steps to raise awareness of the dangers facing cyclists as road users and the steps that can be taken to improve safety and cycling conditions.


(3)  Council welcomes:


(a)  the Cycling Strategy adopted by Cabinet, drawing together various funding streams, to improve safety at key locations throughout Wirral


(b)  the close working relationship with the Merseyside Integrated Transport Authority to secure cycle training for all age groups and the funding of Bikeability training by the Government and previous governments.


(c)  the longstanding contribution that the work of the members of Wirral’s Cycle Forum in progressing local schemes that benefit cyclists in Wirral.


(4)  Council recognises that the highways maintenance budgets include a programme of road repairs and funding to react to potholes and hazards as they are identified.


(5)  Council also welcomes the additional funding made available to Area Forums to respond to and target local problems and priorities.


(6)  Notwithstanding these provisions and the guidance on tackling ‘actionable defects’ Council recognises that:


(i)  potholes represent an especial hazard to cyclists who have to avoid them


(ii)  the area of highway used by cyclists adjacent to road edges and kerbs always needs to be examined with the needs of cyclists in mind.


(7)  Accordingly, Council requests that Wirral’s engineers and highway inspectors routinely bear these factors in mind when carrying out their inspections and develop guidelines which fully recognise these issues.


(8)  Further, Council urges the Cycle Forum to examine the measures proposed in the Times' cyclist manifesto, alongside local evidence about what improvements could be made to improve safety, and to make recommendations to Cabinet (or other such committee as appropriate) about further appropriate measures or actions that could be taken in Wirral to improve safety and cycling conditions.


(9)  Council further welcomes the report considered by Cabinet at its meeting of 12th April 2012 ‘20MPH speed limits in residential areas’ and believes adoption of the recommendations contained within that report will further assist in delivering the right conditions for safer cycling.


(10)  In order to facilitate the implementation of 20MPH speed limits in Wirral’s residential areas Council requests:


(a) that the Deputy Director of Technical Services ensures a relevant Council Officer attends the 3rd ‘20’s Plenty For Us Annual Conference’ on 1st May 2012 and that Rod King, Director of the 20s Plenty Campaign Group be invited to Wirral to give an overview of 20MPH speed limits.


(b) that the Leader of the Council writes to Chris Boardman MBE asking him to assist the Council in promoting cycling in Wirral and 20MPH speed limits in residential areas.


(11)  Council recognises that in the current economic climate many people rely on bicycles as their main mode of transport.


(12)  Council recognises that cyclists also have a responsibility to keep themselves safe, for example, through the use of high visibility clothing and appropriate equipment.