Agenda item

Neighbourhood Plans

  • Your Ecomony
  • Your Family
  • What Next/Future Funding


The Area Co-ordinator reminded the Forum that the main agenda item at the February meeting was an update on the responses to a major consultation exercise in Summer 2011, which informed the priorities for the Neighbourhood Plan for this Area Forum.


Specific feedback was given at the February meeting on Your Neighbourhood, Road Maintenance and Road Safety, and Community Safety.  A commitment was given to report on Your Family and Your Economy at this meeting.


Your Family. 

Under the heading Services for Children and Young People, the majority of local people felt that Bromborough and Eastham were good places for children and young people to grow up, but they had some suggestions about what could be improved. 


In particular, people said:


  • Children and young people need to have better access to a wide range of facilities and activities in a safe and secure environment


  • There are good schools in the area but they wanted schools to become more involved with the local community, with more activities offered to younger children, and better co-ordination and advertising of services that are available. 


  • More events needed for children and adults to boost self esteem and family life, with parenting classes particularly for new parents.  A request was made for longer opening hours at South Wirral Youth Hub and youth clubs.


In response, the Council have said they will make sure youth clubs and activities for young people are promoted much more widely and effectively to make sure young people in the area are aware of what is available.  Extra funding is being put into Sure Start centres with a target to make sure that at least 80% of under-fives are registered with their local centre.  The Council is also providing additional funding to continue the work of the anti-social behaviour team and to encourage more children and young people to participate in organised activities outside school.


Your Family

Under the heading, Health and Wellbeing, people felt that the services were good in Bromborough and Eastham, but could be improved by:


  • Providing better and more targeted support for carers and their families;


  • That there should be a more integrated community approach for the area and more affordable housing available for young people; and that advice and contact numbers should be publicised more effectively in the local area. 


  • There were concerns about personalisation budgets and the future of day services, and said that more activities should be provided for older people. 


  • People suggested that the opening hours could be extended in the walk in centre in Eastham.


In response, the Council has agreed to do more to publicise the many excellent services available for residents, particularly those who are vulnerable; support is available to help people stay independent in their own homes and play an active role in their communities.  Ways are being looked at to provide more help to carers, financially and socially.  The voluntary sector have a new website,, which gives information on services within and beyond Wirral.  In addition, information will be published in July on social care services provided.  The Council is working with users, their carers and families on a plan to improve day services and will work with GP practices to ensure that people’s views are taken into account when they implement changes in the way the NHS is run and operated.


The Area Co-ordinator continued that the Area Forum has been given a budget of just over £62,000 for projects to improve community safety and the local environment, to promote regeneration and investment and improve people’s health and wellbeing.


Many of the restrictions that have applied in the past have been removed and the bidding process has been opened up to include social enterprise and public sector bodies, as well as local groups and organisations.  The limit on the maximum amount that can be applied for has been removed.


Applications will be invited by public advert on 2 July with a closing date of 17 August.  Applications can be made via the website,  Application forms can be requested by email, or by telephone 698 8210.


In response to questions from members of the public, the area co-ordinator stated that the underspend from last year is still intact and, together with the balance remaining from the Empty Shops project, will be available for spending, in addition to the £62,000. 


The budget was set in April, the decisions will not be announced until November.


The area co-ordinator referred to the process in the past when applications were considered by a panel.  The process changed last year when members of the public were invited to a meeting and the same process will take place this year. 

Neighbourhood Forum Funding Events will be held on Tuesday, 2 October from 6.30 to 8.30 pm, at the Professional Excellence Centre, Bromborough, and on Thursday, 4 October from 6.30 to 8.30 pm at Delamere Avenue Community Centre, Eastham.