Agenda item

You Decide Results


The Council had agreed a budget of £20,000 for each Area Forum to spend on additional council services.  This was an initiative to bring local communities closer to the decision-making, around the YOU DECIDE campaign.


People were asked to put forward suggestions for Council services.  In September we had a marketing campaign and people were encouraged to use the internet to answer questionnaire.  There was also a postal questionnaire for those without internet access as well as street surveys. 


Priorities for Bidston/Claughton Area Forum were:

-  Cleanliness – Litter Bins

-  Safety – CCTV the use of mobile camera

-  Sport and Youth Activity – Youth Sports Nights

-  Safety – Household security

-  Environmental – new benches

-  Roads/Safety


A couple of sites had been identified for litter bins.  The Sixth Form College had agreed to contribute as well. Any further suggestions to Michelle.


Identified hiring a mobile CCTV camera and any hot spots that people are aware of please let Michelle know.


Sport and Youth Activity – suggestion of holding sports nights in the area. 


Environment – panel decided to purchase benches.  Lower Park and Ilchester Park had been suggested as sites and plaques would be placed on benches to identify funded by Area Forum. 


Road safety which would cover residents parking. 


Councillor Harry Smith, on behalf of Councillor Ann McLaughlin, raised the issue of a possible pedestrian crossing being installed at the site of Lincoln/Corporation Road.


John Webb confirmed there was still £2,500 available and it had been agreed that there could be further discussion tonight if anyone had any ideas they want to put forward.


Councillor Foulkes provided a breakdown of costs.1 litter bin £500 and 10 had been purchased so do need to know of other locations.  The next most popular item was CCTV and the Forum thought it would be useful to be able to buy a mobile unit to use, as and when surveillance was needed.  Again, we need to know where hot spots are.  On Youth Activity need to know which groups of people can engage in which types of sport etc.  There had been a positive response to questionnaires, however 166 was not a very high number compared to the size of the population.  Communication was always one of the biggest challenges we have.  Any ideas about that would be welcomed. 


The Chair confirmed there were another 4 weeks for suggestions to come in before it goes to Cabinet.


The Area Co-ordinator confirmed that for the Community Initiatives Funding pot of money, Bidston/Claughton had received lots of bids in and spent money first time round.  It may be useful to advertise more in other areas for groups to get involved. 


You Decide is a pilot scheme and hopefully we will receive money next year.


Q - Pat Landsborough asked whether there was a time limit for the roll forward regarding the carry-over of Community Initiatives Funds.

A – Councillor Foulkes referred to the forthcoming Area Forum Annual Conference and whether this point could be raised there.  Suggestion could be made to carry the unallocated funding over or to share it between those Forums that were over subscribed.


Councillor Smith proposed a litter bin be sited at Hoylake Road shops.  He also raised the issue of a letter and petition received requesting alley-gates between constituent’s house and a neighbour’s house and he would pass the letter on.


The results of the YOU DECIDE campaign would be published in a press release and the Chair confirmed that they would also be announced at the next forum in February.


Q – How did the questionnaires go out, if there was such a poor response.

A – The main vehicle was the Council website, use local press and radio interviews and a free phone number was issued.  The vast majority came back through the website.  This was very much a learning exercise and it was always a challenge to try and get past the front door of every house in the community. 


Suggestion made of putting questionnaires directly into the local press.


Councillor Davies referred to also making grants through Your Wirral and explained the background to this initiative which starts again in November and how this would be publicised through a variety of methods.


Q – I notice there is no youth representative here?

A – Youth Parliament/ Older People’s Parliament have their own meetings/forums and are responsible for their own funds.