Agenda item

Partner Updates/Public Question Time


Merseyside Police/Community Safety Insp Justin Diggins/Jim Thompson gave there updates and police newsletters were available at the meeting. 


Inspector Justin Diggins gave an update on the Cannabis cultivation is a ‘growing’ trend, and more and more of this type of organised crime is being seen across Wirral.  Individual/gangs rent private properties, knock holes in walls and ceilings, extend the electricity cables, by-passing fuse boxes, and install high-powered electric lamps to provide the correct growing conditions for cannabis plants.  The signs to look out for are curtains drawn all day, heavy condensation, or the property is boarded up from the inside, there is soil dumped in the garden, and there is a ‘funny’ smell.  The pungent smell is the reason that cannabis is called ‘skunk’.  Another name is ‘weed’ because plants grow like weeds and reach mature plants from cuttings in 10/12 weeks. The Officer urged anyone who notices anything suspicious in their neighbourhood to contact their local Police or Crimestoppers.


Residents raised there concerns around the anti social behaviour, speeding cars, and unacceptable tenants living in the Florence Road area


Jim Thompson advised that alleygates were not wanted and that is why they were not fitted.  If people did not reply to the letter we assumed they wanted them.  You need to speak to elected members.  With regards to cameras they cost about £20,000 each.  Can get 3G cameras installed in the area.  Jim to speak to lan Lowrie who is responsible for CCTV. 


Anti Social Behaviour Team Louise Alexander said that the Anti-Social Behaviour Team work closely with the Police and lots of other partnership agencies and that we are only as good as the information provided to us.  I urged people to call our 606 2020 number and log anti-social behaviour and explained that we do have an officer who is responsible for the Liscard/Seacombe area within the team, so any issues reported would be looked into and passed to her for further investigation.  We undertake regular patrols within the area and also do drop in surgeries for residents to come and speak to us.  (Cllr John Salter has been out with us on our Respect Bus conducting resident surgeries).  As Private Sector Enforcement Assistant I offer training and advice to private landlords having problems with tenants and work closely with the Landlord Accreditation Team in delivering training and advice to private landlords.  Call Centre 0151 606 2020


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Natalie Hayes explained Birkenhead Fire Station is to be demolished next month via PFI private finance initiative.  We are committed to maintaining high standards, despite the current financial restraints being faced. Focusing on a more targeted approach towards the more vulnerable and at risk members of our communities, we will visit a minimum of 13,000 properties in Wirral which have never been visited.

We have seen 7.7% reduction in anti-social behavior secondary fires on Wirral.  Our Planning for this year’s bonfire period is underway with our first meeting with partners being held on the 19 June 2012.

The prevention team are currently working in conjunction with operation crews from Birkenhead to embedded a multi-agency process to increase awareness for operational crews and community safety staff of the localities of rough sleepers in Wirral. Our aim is to work in partnership with relevant agencies, to share information regarding locations of rough sleeping with operational crews. We are also looking to provide a resettlement pathway, when a homeless person moves into medium or long term accommodation we can complete a HFSC and implement any risk reduction interventions.

Wirral Prevention team are currently developing a Home Fire Safety Check referral pathway with the probation service. 

NHS Lorna Quigley Chief Officer Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group explained the changes occurring within the NHS.  Currently Services are commissioned by the Primary Care Trust, from April 2012, these will no longer exist due to the health bill, which requires GP’s to form into groups to becoming clinical commissioning groups. The reason for this is because GP’s are aware of the needs of their patients and the population that they serve. All 61 GP practices within Wirral have become a member of the Wirral Clinical Commissioning group. Due to the demographics within Wirral they have split into 3 further groups in order to serve their patient population more effectively.  


NHS Foundation Trust David Hammond Membership Manager for Wirral Community NHS Trust, gave an update on their recent consultation about becoming a Foundation Trust. The consultation results were very positive in support of the Trust’s proposals.  He spoke about the membership scheme that they are developing for people in Wirral, which will enable them to become more involved with the Trust.  Governors will be elected by the members to represent them on a Council of Governors.  This will make the Trust more locally accountable and is in line with the Foundation Trust model.


The Chair Cllr Adrian Jones thanked all who attended and closed the meeting and announced the next area forum would take place on: