Agenda item

Partner Updates


Western Link


Diane Owen and Claire Duffy from Western Link Electricity gave a brief presentation on the renewable electricity cable which is to be routed through Wirral from Scotland to Wales.  There has been a consultation process with residents over the last year discussing the route.  A newsletter is available for people to see the route of the cable and plans for the area.  These newsletters will be posted out to residents affected by the cable route.


Q.  Why can’t the cable be routed under the River Dee, rather than through Wirral?

A.  The River Dee is a protected area and on investigation of this idea, it was found that the sea bed moves too much.  This means that if the cable became uncovered then this would prove to be a risk to people.  The cables also have to be set below a certain level.


Q.  How do you get the cable from Wirral to Wales.

A.  It will be a drill that directs it under the Dee.


Q.  Did you consider the Wirral Way?

A.  Yes, this was considered.  Unfortunately at certain points it is not wide enough for the machinery and cable drums.


Q.  What advantage to Wirral residents is this cable?

A.  It will be fed into the network at Connahs Quay, which is all part of the National Grid.  There have been talks with Community Groups on benefits for the area.


Q.  Will you re-instate road surfaces and ensure that they are to a high standard?

A.  Working along with the Council, the surface will be re-laid at a high standard.


Q.  How long will the works take to complete?

A.  The contractors have been recently appointed for the design work.  Work will start 2013 and aim to be completed 2015.


Q.  What about the archaeological site? 

A.  There is an Environmental Appraisal which is available to view on the website.  There will be no impact to any archaeological areas.


Q.  The A540 will be affected and Thingwall corner is a very busy part of the road.  What provision is there if this area will be disrupted?

A.  No roads will be closed, maybe temporarily when a lorry arrives with the cables.  The drilling will be done under the trees and the roads.  More consultations will take place before any actual work starts.


Q.  If any areas are affected and roads not completed, how can residents contact the company?

A.  There will be a helpline for people to contact if they have any issues or concerns.


Merseyside Police


Mick Blease reported on the following:


In this Area:

  • There has been a slight raise in burglary dwellings.  5 in the last month.
  • A reduction in car crime – 19 reduced to 10 in the last year.
  • This side of Wirral is a safe environment.
  • Forgery and fraud is increasing, for example: People driving off at petrol stations, fraudulent claims (3 prosecutions) and also shop lifting.
  • Olympics – Some resources will be leaving Wirral to help out at the Olympics. 


Q.  Have the Police cuts affected the increase in burglaries in Pensby.

A.  There have only been 3 offences since 1st May 2012.


Q.  There is a concern that the police cuts will affect this area.

A.  This was discussed at the last meeting.  The cuts have mainly been in the background and there has been no reduction in visible presence of police.


Q.  Did the Pensby neighbourhood behave during the jubilee celebrations.

A.  Yes.


Q.  Is Heswall Police Station open?

A.  No it is not open, but if there is anyone inside they will answer.  However, there is a yellow phone box outside the police station you can use to contact the police.


Q.  HGV’s are not to drive down Barnston Road, however they do still use the road.  This has been reported to the police and nothing has been done to stop them  Residents have worked hard to get the ban of HGV’s on this road, but the signs are being ignored.  A resident complained to Morrison’s who have since ceased using this road.

A.  When a complaint is made to the police they have to prioritise the complaints by importance.  This complaint will be re-iterated to the team.


Q.  Can the registration numbers of the HGV’s be given to the police

A.  Yes, as a letter can be sent to the companies to re- educate them not to use this road.


Q.  How long will Inspector Mick Blease and other officers be away from the area when the Olympics are on.

A.  Inspector Mick Blease will be away for 3 weeks, 1 week and 2 weeks of his annual leave to work voluntary at the Olympics.  The other officer will be away for the 3 weeks.  There will be no courses running during this time, so the public should not see a difference.


Fire Service


Sarah Patterson reported on the following:

  • Last year there were 26 reported deliberate fires, this year only 1. 
  • Accidental dwelling fires have reduced
  • The Fire Service is committed to maintain standards.
  • There is a targeted approach for the vulnerable.
  • To date there has been 1300 fire safety checks
  • Fire Crews engage with the local communities and regularly attend local events.
  • The Fire Service continues to work with partners, including Wirral Council’s Road Safety Team.
  • Plans have begun in the lead up to Bon Fire Night in November.


  1. Is the Fire Service still committed to the Beacons and the Dales.
  1. Yes, and also the beaches.  The Fire Service has quad bikes which can be used on these areas.


  1. If crews see any problems when visiting peoples houses, do you liaise with Social Services?

A.  Yes, there is a referral pathway.