Agenda item

Public Question Time


Q.  When will it become public knowledge about the appointment of a Police Crime Commissioner?

A.  This is independent from the police.  Apparently there will be a public vote in November.  No more information available at present.


Q.  There is some difficulty getting through to Street Scene.

A.  Jim Lester will take this back and report back.


Q.  Mr Paul Larkin thanked the members of this Forum for the help in the funding for his shop in Pensby.  The company gives affordable help to families and carers with various needs, particularly Dementia.  The company name is Inter-Niche and it is at 523 Pensby Road, open 10am – 6pm Monday to Saturday.  There are leaflets available for anyone interested.


Q.  There is concern for the proposed new opening hours for libraries.  Not everyone is happy about them.

A.  There has been a library consultation and amongst the proposals it suggests to open some libraries on a Wednesday but this would lose the late night opening for others.  Pensby and Irby would close at 5pm or 6pm and West Kirby would remain open until 7.30pm.


Q.  People prefer the late opening for the local libraries in this area, particularly working people.

A.  There was a show of hands on who would prefer the opening hours to remain as they are.  The majority showed they would prefer the 7.30pm.  Councillor Don McCubbin will take this information back to the library meetings.


Q.  What is happening over the lack of Senior Officers in the Council.

A.  The Council Leader, Phil Davies explained that Jim Willkie, Chief Executive has been granted Early Voluntary Retirement.  Mr Dave Green is on sick leave and the council is looking for someone to cover his role whilst he is off.


Q.  Old Wood Road, Pensby is full of pot holes and is horrendous.  Is the Council going to do something about it?

A.  It will be reported back to Street Scene and report back.


Q.  The verges are a mess outside Bargain Booze from when the Lorries park on them when delivering stock.

A.  The plan is to put bollards on verges to stop people parking on them.


Q.  Is it illegal to park on pavements and verges?

A.  Lorries are allowed when they are loading or unloading.  A maximum of 20 minutes and someone has to be in the vehicle.


Q.  The Council has spent money putting up signs on roads to stop vehicles parking.  However, some are hidden in trees. (360 Pensby Road).  The signs need moving or the trees cut back.

A.  This will be passed onto Street Scene.


Q.  Is there any chance that a pedestrian crossing be put on Pensby Road?

A.  There is a problem on this road due to the fact of so many driveways.  This has been researched but unfortunately it’s not a possibility.


Q.  There is a problem crossing the road by the Tesco Express.

A.  The Road Safety Team is doing a hazard assessment.  Double yellow lines should ease the situation.  Signs have gone up today with the proposals for the yellow lines.  If anyone has any objections, then they should either contact their local Councillor or Street Scene.


Q.  How will this help to cross the road?

A.  It will make the road more visible when crossing the road.


Q.  The grass verge is ruined on the corner of Kings Drive and Cornelius Drive.  It has been caused by the home owner parking his 4x4 on the verge.

A.  If there is no sign on the verge, then it is not possible to prosecute.


Q.  Would it be any idea for a Street Scene representative to attend these meetings?

A.  Jim Lester is from Technical Services and he will take all the issues raised and pass them onto Street Scene.


Q.  What will Street Scene do about the barrier around the footpath at Pensall and Fairview?  The barrier has been there for a long while now.

A.  Tracey Smith will take the information to Street Scene and report back.



Councillor Andrew Hodson thanked everyone for attending and also thanked Kate Brown, Head Teacher for the use of this lovely new school.