Agenda item

Partner Updates


Western Link:


The representatives from Western Link were available to discuss at the end of the meeting any questions over the renewable electricity cable which is to be routed through Wirral from Scotland to Wales.  Newsletters were available with details of the route and plans.




Inspector Kolokotroni reported on the following:


  • A Neighbourhood Newsletter for this area was available listing recent activities (including arrests, priorities and Have your Say meeting dates).
  • A ‘Have your Say’ Card was also available for anyone to complete with any concerns they may have.
  • This year to date, crime is down – ASB is down 30% from last year and Criminal is down 15%.
  • There have been some recent dwelling burglaries in the Leasowe Estate area, mainly due to people leaving doors insecure and not locked.  Please ensure doors are secured.
  • There has also been recent thefts from cars, again opportunists and cars not being locked and having items on show (Sat Navs and handbags)
  • Be aware of £20 notes, there has been an influx of forged notes around Wirral.
  • During the Euro Football Tournament there has been a rise in domestic violence incidents and also drunkenness at licensed premises.
  • Rampworks are coming to Lingham Park on 23rd July 2012.  Ages 5 and over.  Consent forms need to be completed.  More details are available on the Rampworks website.
  • If anyone has any information, then please pass this onto the police or through Crime stoppers.


Fire Service:


Mike Burrati reported on the following:


  • There has been a reduction of 77.7% in ASB fires.  Only 5 in this area this year.
  • The Fire Service is committed to maintain standards.
  • There is a targeted approach for the vulnerable.
  • To date there has been 1300 fire safety checks
  • Fire Crews engage with the local communities and regularly attend local events.
  • The Fire Service continues to work with partners, including Wirral Council’s Road Safety Team. 
  • The Fire Service also is engaging with the local schools.
  • Plans have begun in the lead up to Bon Fire Night in November.

Councillor Anne McArdle explained that she had met with the Department of  Adult Social Services trying to look at ways to help elderly people be safe, but enable officers to gain access to their homes in the event of an emergency. 


Community Safety:


Mike Collins explained his role in the Dog Fouling Enforcement Team. 


  • There are now 10 officers working around the Wirral. 
  • Fixed penalties notices are issued to offenders and if they become in any way violent, then they are taken to court.
  • 160+ fixed penalty notices have been issued since April.
  • The worst areas are the beaches.
  • Please report any regular offenders to the Street Scene telephone number 606 2004 and an officer will be sent to that area.


Street Scene:


Chris Jones explained that if anyone has any complaints or reports on problem areas, for example, overgrown hedges, vandalism; please use the Street Scene telephone number.


If anyone has any specific issues then speak to him at the end of the meeting.

Councillor Anne McArdle thanked Chris Jones and his team for the prompt response after the recent meeting.


Q.  Signs were put up on Tenby Road saying the road was closed whilst works were taking place.  However, the road was not closed at all.

A.  Apologies were given as this should not have happened.  This issue will be taken up with the contractor.