Agenda item

Public Question Time


Q1  Changes to parking in Bromborough Village.  During mornings, there is a stream of cars along both sides, with cars coming in and out.  The fact that it is also a through route causes problems with busses, and disabled drivers have difficulty finding a parking space.  At the junction of Bromborough Rake and Points and Joints, people have to jump out of the way of vehicles speeding round the corner of the village.

A  The Technical Services officer offered to speak to the member of the public at the end of the meeting.  He would take the comments back to the traffic Management Board and give feedback to the person concerned.  He would also take up the issue of additional parking spaces for disabled drivers.

Q2  I am Chair of the Bromborough Recreation Bowling Club, and for some years we have been trying to find ways of improving the facilities, but any plans put forward to the Council have been thrown back.

  The bowling green is used five days a week and the club pays the Council something in the region of £900 for the use of the facility, but there is no shelter for bowlers, particularly those of a more mature age.  An email was sent to the Chief Executive in March 2012, with copies to other people in the Council.  The reply said it had been passed to Jim Lester, and Jim Lester said that he had passed it on to someone else, but no definitive information has been received about what is happening. 

The club is prepared to fund a bus shelter type of structure made from precast concrete blocks, with an up and over door, and to plant up the surrounding area,  but it needs permission from the Council to erect it. 

The club had been told it would destroy the beauty of the park, then that people over the road would object.  The club is located in Palatine Road/Hadleigh Avenue].  In January/February, Councillor Niblock had been asked to find out if people who live there would object.  Councillor Niblock stated that he had received no feedback to date.

Councillor Mitchell suggested that an approach should be made to Councillor Chris Meaden, the Cabinet member for this area. 

Councillor Walsh gave an assurance that the matter would be looked into.

Q3  Torr Drive:   Application for planning permission

A  Councillor Gilchrist responded to the query.

Q4  A member of the public referred back to Neighbourhood Plans and allocation of funds, stating that applications will be invited from 2 July, but organisations have not yet seen the criteria.  He asked if voluntary groups and organisations have the expertise to understand the funding criteria and scoring criteria, how the money will be split up, and how decisions will be made.  There is a need for more transparency about how bids are being looked into and some fundamental questions that need to be answered.

A  The area co-ordinator gave initial responses to the issues.  She continued that there are community representatives on the Area Forum, and was pleased to report that applications will be sought for community representatives, who will become a community champion and become involved.

An application form will be sent to anyone who wishes to become involved.

Q5  Councillor Mitchell explained that the area co-ordinator organised a meeting with a small group of people at Eastham Day Centre to encourage people in the community to work together.  From the feedback from the initial meeting, everyone was delighted to have the opportunity to have contacts with other people.  The next event will be organised by the Vicar at St Mary’s, then various community groups will become involved, and slowly build up from there.  He encouraged members of the public to get involved. 

  A member of the public stated that one of the proposals was to have notice boards in the area to highlight some of the things going on.

  Q6  Mark Craig stated that the February minutes referred to a request to replace the community notice board that was destroyed, but to relocate it in a different place.  After a long delay, a new notice board has been provided, but it is located in the same place as the original one.  Consideration is being given to applying for an additional notice board.

Litter Pick:  Liz Hawkins passed on a message from the Eastham Rangers that a litter pick would be held on Tuesday.  Volunteers should meet at the Rangers’ Office at 1 pm.

New Ferry Shops:  Mark Craig reported that the bid for Government funding to improve the New Ferry shopping centre had not been successful.  The bid would be included automatically in the second round.  The Council has also set money aside for a similar process for shopping centres later this year.

Pavilion in New Ferry Park.  Mark Craig reported that the project has finally been completed at a cost of about £66,000.  It had taken a long time to get the money and to complete the project, but everyone is overjoyed that it had finally been achieved.

Go-kart track:  In her absence, Marjorie Hall had asked about the Go-kart track.  A response from Environmental Health reiterated what has been said at previous area forum meetings. 

Councillor Gilchrist reported on a lengthy period of correspondence about the issue and the evidence that has been collected to get a complete picture.  At the moment it is an incomplete action and efforts will continue to ascertain the extent of the problem and to decide what can be done about it.

Eastham Village:  Marjorie Hall has stated that heavy traffic is increasingly going through Eastham Village.

Councillor Mitchell replied that a meeting has been organised with businesses in Eastham next week, which will be attended by Councillors, Peel and engineers.

Delamere Centre:  A member of the public advised that the Delamere Centre will close for two weeks to allow £40,000 worth of work to be done.  Negotiations are ongoing with Council Officers to take over the Centre as a Board of Trustees.  The centre will be run as a local facility and the Trust will be responsible for it.